CryskuraHTTP is a lightweight, customizable HTTP(s) server implemented in Python.
It supports basic HTTP(s) functionalities, including serving files and handling errors, with optional SSL support.
CryskuraHTTP is an extension of Python's built-in `http.server`, with minimal dependencies. You can leverage it to implement Python HTTP services without needing to install large software or libraries.
- **Customizable Services**: Easily add custom services by extending the `BaseService` class.
- **Customizable API Calls**: Define custom API calls with the `APIService` class.
- **Error Handling**: Customizable error handling via the `ErrorService` class.
- **File Serving**: Serve files from a specified directory.
- **WebPage Serving**: Serve web pages without allowing directory listing.
- **Customizable Routes**: Define custom routes for your services.
- **Request Handling**: Handle GET, POST, HEAD requests.
- **Resumable Downloads**: Supports resumable downloads for large files when serving files.
- **Redirects**: Supports 301 and 308 redirects.
- **SSL Support**: Optionally enable SSL by providing a certificate file.
- **Threaded Server**: Supports multi-threaded request handling for better performance.
- **Command-Line Interface**: Run the server from the command line with custom settings.
This project is not designed to replace full-scale, production-grade HTTP servers. Instead, it is ideal for small-scale web UI development or for use alongside tools like `pywebview` and `qtwebengine`. So don't expect it to handle thousands of concurrent connections or to have advanced features like load balancing or caching.