* Added the constructor ``Crystal.from_pwscf`` to create crystal instances from output files generated by the `Plane-Wave Self-Consistent Field (PWSCF) program <https://www.quantum-espresso.org/Doc/pw_user_guide/>`_.
* Added the ``Crystal.ideal`` method to create idealized crystal structures.
* Added the ``Crystal.reciprocal_symmetry_operations`` method to determine crystal symmetry operations in reciprocal basis.
* Symmetry-determination via ``Crystal.symmetry()`` and related methods now raises a ``RuntimeError`` if symmetry-determination fails, rather than returning ``None``
* Added the ``Atom.tag`` property, which can be used to tag ``Atom`` instances with extra information. This is for internal use. So far, it is used to label the order of Atoms from a PWSCF output file.