What's new!
- Added following methods to the ``CSDM`` class:
- ``__eq__()`` for all class
- ``__add__()`` = Adds two csdm object.
- ``__iadd__()`` = Adds two csdm objects in-place.
- ``__sub__()`` = Subtrace two csdm objects.
- ``__isub__()`` = Subtrace two csdm objects in-place.
- ``__mul__()`` = Multiply the components of the csdm object by a scalar.
- ``__imul__()`` = Multiply the components of the csdm object by a scalar in-place.
- ``__truvdiv__()`` = Divide the components of the csdm object by a scalar.
- ``__itruediv__()`` = Divide the components of the csdm object by a scalar
- ``split()`` = Split the dependent-variables into individual csdm objects.
- Support for Numpy dimension reduction functions
- ``sum()``: Sum along a given dimension.
- ``prod()``: Product along a given dimension.
- Support for Numpy ufunc functions:
- ``sin``, ``cos``, ``tan``, ``arcsin``, ``arccos``, ``arctan``, ``sinh``, ``cosh``,
``tanh``, ``arcsinh``, ``arccosh``, ``arctanh``, ``exp``, ``exp2``, ``log``,
``log2``, ``log10``, ``expm1``, ``log1p``, ``negative``, ``positive``, ``square``,
``absolute``, ``fabs``, ``rint``, ``sign``, ``conj``, ``conjugate``, ``sqrt``,
``cbrt``, ``reciprocal``
- Added apodization functions.
- ``sin``, ``cos``, ``tan``, ``arcsin``, ``arccos``, ``arctan``, ``exp``
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug in ``cp.plot()`` method.