What's Changed
* Handle `Any` type properly in pydantic type checking. Fixes 468 by ptomecek in https://github.com/Point72/csp/pull/471
* Bugfix in QueueWaiter wait. If eventsPending is already true when en… by robambalu in https://github.com/Point72/csp/pull/474
* Allow ParquetReader to read LARGE_STRING, LARGE_BINARY, LARGE_LIST types from Arrow by arhamchopra in https://github.com/Point72/csp/pull/460
* Add hasConverter convenience method by alexddobkin in https://github.com/Point72/csp/pull/480
* Handle union and literal typing correctly in annotations by NeejWeej in https://github.com/Point72/csp/pull/478
* Allow using pydantic for from_dict, schema for FastList by NeejWeej in https://github.com/Point72/csp/pull/479
* Correct adjustment of annotations on OutputBasket type. Fixes 483. by ptomecek in https://github.com/Point72/csp/pull/484
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/Point72/csp/compare/v0.0.11...v0.8.0