
Latest version: v2.11.1

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- **API CHANGE**: ``parse()`` is *DEPRECATED*, use ``parseFile()`` instead. I know this should not happen in a release already in beta but better now than later and currently both ways are still possible.

- **FEATURE**: CSSStyleDeclatation objects may be used like dictionaries now. The value during setting a property may be a single value string or a tuple of ``(value, priority)``::

>>> style = css.CSSStyleDeclaration()
>>> style['color'] = 'red'
>>> style.getProperties()
[cssutils.css.Property(name='color', value=u'red', priority=u'')]
>>> del style['color']
>>> style['unknown'] = ('value', 'important')
INFO Property: No CSS2 Property: 'unknown'.
>>> style.getProperties()
[cssutils.css.Property(name='unknown', value=u'value', priority=u'impor
>>> del style['never-set'] does not raise KeyError but returns u'' like removeProperty()

- **FEATURE**: While reading an imported styleSheet all relevant encoding parameters (HTTP headers, BOM/charset, etc) are used now as defined in http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/syndata.html#charset

Additionally a given parameter ``encoding`` for ``parseString``, ``parseFile`` and ``parseUrl`` functions/methods **overrides** any detected encoding of read sheet like HTTP information or charset rules. Useful if e.g. HTTP information is not set properly. The given ``encoding`` is used for **all** imported sheets of the parsed one too! This is a cssutils only addition to the rules defined at http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/syndata.html#charset.

- **FEATURE**: A custom URL fetcher may be used during parsing via ``CSSParser.setFetcher(fetcher)`` (or as an init parameter). The so customized parser is reusable (as all parsers are). The fetcher is called when an ``import`` rule is found and the referenced stylesheet is about to be retrieved.

The function gets a single parameter

the URL to read

and MUST return ``(encoding, content)`` where ``encoding`` normally is the HTTP charset given via a Content-Type header (which may simply omit the charset though) and ``content`` being the (byte) string content. The Mimetype of the fetched ``url`` should be ``text/css`` but this has to be checked by the fetcher itself (the default fetcher emits an ERROR (from 0.9.5 before a WARNING) if encountering a different mimetype).
The content is then decoded by cssutils using all encoding related data available.


def fetcher(url):
return 'ascii', '/*test*/'

parser = cssutils.CSSParser(fetcher=fetcher)

To omit parsing of imported sheets just define a fetcher like ``lambda url: None`` (A single None is sufficient but returning ``(None, None)`` is more explicit).

You might also want to define an encoding for each imported sheet with a fetcher which returns a (normally HTTP content-type header) encoding depending on each URL.

- **FEATURE**: Added option ``-s --string`` to cssparse script which expects a CSS string to be parsed.

- **FEATURE/BUGFIX**: Parsing of CSSStyleDeclarations is improved. Invalid ``/color: red;color: green`` is now correctly parsed as ``color: green`` now. At the same time the until now parsed but invalid ``$color: red`` (an IE hack) is not parse anymore but correctly dismissed!

Unknown rules in CSSStyleDeclaration are parsed now. So e.g ``x; color: red;`` which is syntactically valid is kept completely.

- **BUGFIX**: ``parseUrl`` does return ``None`` if an error occurs during reading the given URL. Until now an empty stylesheet was returned.

- **BUGFIX**: Fixed parsing of values like ``background: url(x.gif)0 0;`` (missing space but still valid).

- BUGFIX: Serializing CSSUnknownRules is slightly improved, blocks are correctly indentet now.

- **LICENSE**: cssutils is licensed under the **LGPL v3** now (before LGPL v2.1). This should not be a problem I guess but please be aware. So the former mix of LGPL 2.1 and 3 is resolved to a single LGPL 3 license for both cssutils and the included encutils.

- INTERNAL: Moved tests out of cssutils main package into a tests package parallel to cssutils.


Not secure
- **API CHANGE**: ``cssutils.parseURL`` has been renamed to ``parseUrl`` for consistency with ``getUrls`` or ``replaceUrls``. Parameter ``href`` (before called ``url``) is the first and mandatory parameter now.

+ **BUGFIX**: Fix the streamreader in the codec: Honor the encoding if one is passed to the constructor instead of trying to detect it from the stream.

+ **BUGFIX**: Reading referenced styleSheet in CSSImportRule did not succeed as no encoding information is passed along. Encoding of referenced sheets is always retrieved via HTTP or from imported sheet itself. Fixed lots of unchecked cases and simplified exception handling when reading a referenced sheet.

+ BUGFIX: Setting ``atkeyword`` of rules checks if it is a valid keyword for the specific rule. E.g. an import rule accepts ``im\port`` but not ``namespace``.
+ BUGFIX: Fixed setting ``name`` of CSSImportRule. Setting ``name`` other than with a string results in xml.dom.SyntaxErr raised now
+ BUGFIX: ``CSSStyleSheet.type`` with a fixed value of "text/css" and other readonly properties are really readonly now

- IMPROVEMENT: Added media information to ``__str__`` and ``__repr__`` or CSSStyleSheet.
- IMPROVEMENT: Added more information to ``__repr__`` of CSSImportRule.
- IMPROVEMENT: Added ``__repr__`` for ``cssutils.util._SimpleNamespaces`` which is used in a selector repr.


Not secure
- **API CHANGE**: ``cssutils.css.CSSSStyleSheet.replaceUrls(replacer)`` has been **DEPRECATED** but is available as an utility function so simply use ``cssutils.replaceUrls(sheet, replacer)`` instead. For the why see ``getUrls(sheet)`` below.

- **API CHANGE/FEATURE**: ``parseString`` has a new parameter ``encoding`` now which is used if a ``str`` is given for cssText. Otherwise it is ignored. (patch by doerwalter)

- API CHANGE/FEATURE: ``.parse() .parseString()`` and constructor of ``CSSStyleSheet`` have a new parameter ``title`` needed for the cascade (yet to be implemented ;).

Also the representation of ``CSSStyleSheet`` has been improved.

+ **FEATURE**: Referenced stylesheet in an import rule is read and parsed now if possible. Therefor the ``href`` given during parsing (parameter ``href`` to the ``parse*`` functions is used. It is also properly set on imported rules. The ``name`` property of the import rule is set as the imported sheets ``title`` property.

+ **FEATURE**: Added ``cssutils.getUrls(sheet)`` utility method to get all ``url(urlstring)`` values in ``CSSImportRules`` and ``CSSStyleDeclaration`` objects (properties). As this function and the above mentioned ``replaceUrls(sheet, replacer)`` are useful not only for a single sheet but (later) also for a stylesheet list they are not methods of CSSStyleSheet anymore (also because they are not part of the official DOM spec). (patch by doerwalter)

+ FEATURE: Added ``cssutils.parseURL(url, encoding=None, ...)``

+ BUGFIX: Fixes Issue Bitbucket 10, using full ``$LastChangedDate$`` in source files breaks code for some locales. Now only in a few files this svn:keywords replacement is used and only to a fixed length without the problematic part. In all other files ``$Id$`` is used which also includes simple but sufficient date information.

+ **BUGFIX/IMPROVEMENT**: Handling of trailing content, WS and comments in rules should be more consistent and properly handled now, added tests. Exception is ``CSSCharsetRule`` where no comments are allowed at all.

- TESTS: **Tests need ``minimock`` now!** Install with ``easy_install minimock``

+ DOCUMENTATION: Improved docs a bit.

- **LICENSE**: The included `encutils <http://cthedot.de/encutils/>`__ has been updated to version 0.8.2 with a compatible LGPL license. `restserver.py <http://cthedot.de/restserver/>`__ has been updated to version 2.1 which is in the public domain now (no Creative Commons license anymore). So only a single license (the LGPL) is used throughout cssutils now. If you have other licensing needs please let me know.


Not secure
- **API CHANGE**: ``.wellformed`` replaces ``.valid`` for most classes. This is more an internal value so should be used carefully anyway. Some classes still have both, notably ``Property`` and ``CSSValue``. Also removed ``Preferences.removeInvalid`` which was deprecated for some time now and made not really sense anyway.

- API CHANGE: Removed ``cssutils.ser.prefs.wellformedOnly`` which made no sense at all. It probably was not used in client code anyway. cssutils serializes wellformed (not necessarily valid) stylesheets only (hopefully ;).

- API CHANGE: Removed constructor parameter ``css.CSSImportRule(hreftype=...)`` which made no sense really. The type of href is still retained if ``css.CSSImportRule.cssText`` is set (e.g. for ``import "a-str";`` it is "string" and for ``import url(an-uri);`` it is "uri". How it is serialized is defined in the serializer anyway (``cssutils.ser.prefs.importHrefFormat`` "string", "uri" or None which then uses the one in each import rule or defaults to "uri") so it made no sense to have it hear too. It still may be used but generally should not.

+ **FEATURE**: Defining a namespace with a prefix but an empty namespaceURI is not allowed in XML 1.0 (but in XML 1.1). It is allowed in CSS and therefor also in cssutils.

**ATTENTION**: CSS differs from XML 1.0 here!

+ **FEATURE**: Added property ``css.CSSImportRule.name`` and ``css.CSSMediaRule.name`` as decribed in http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-cascade/#cascading. It is parsed, serialized and available in this new property now. Property ``name`` is a constructor parameter now too.

+ **FEATURE**: ``css.UnknownRule`` is now parsed properly and checked for INVALID tokens or if {}, [] or () are not nested or paired properly. CSSUnknownRule is removed from CSSOM but in cssutils it is and will be used for rules of programs using extensions, e.g. PrinceXML CSS. It is not very usable yet as no actual properties except ``atkeyword``, ``cssText`` and ``seq`` are present but at least it is syntactically checked properly and I hope serialized similar to other rules. This has been completely rewritten so may contain a few bugs so check your serialized sheets if you use non-standard rules.

- **BUGFIX**: Improved escaping. Fixed cases where e.g. an URI is given as ``url("\"")``. Also escapes of delimiters in STRINGs is improved. This is used by ``CSSImportRule`` or ``CSSNamespaceRule`` among others. All STRING values are serialized with ``"..."`` (double quotes) now. This should not be a problem but please note that e.g. a ``CSSValue`` may be slightly different now (but be as valid as before).

- **BUGFIX**: Fixed serialization of namespaces in Selector objects. Actually all possible namespaced selectors should be preserved now:

any element or if a default namespace is given any element in that namespace
all "a" elements or if a default namespace is given "a" elements in that namespace
any element in the no namespace (the *empty namespace*)
"a" elements in the no namespace (the *empty namespace*)
any element in any namespace including the no namespace
"a" elements in any namespace including the no namespace
any element in the namespace defined for prefix p
"a" elements in the namespace defined for prefix p

- **BUGFIX**: Default namespace is no longer used by attribute selectors.

+ CHANGE: ``CSSNamespaceRule`` implements http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-namespace/ now. Giving the namespaceURI as an URI token (``url("uri")``) is no longer deprecated so no warning is emitted any longer.

- IMPROVEMENT: Started refactoring rules to have ``wellformed`` property and serializing included comments better.

- IMPROVEMENT: Added simple testtool for functional tests in /examples plus lots of smaller bugfixes, improvements and refactorings


Not secure
- **API CHANGE: Refactored and fixed namespace handling**
Aim was to prevent building invalid style sheets. therefor namespaces must be checked e.g. when adding a new ``Selector`` etc. This probably is not fixed for all cases but much better now than before.

- added ``CSSStyleSheet.namespaces`` which is a mapping of ``prefix: namespaceURI`` and mirrors all namespaces as defined in namespace rules. New Namespaces may also be set here as well as prefixes changed.
- if more than one ``CSSNamespaceRule`` with the same ``namespaceURI`` is set only the last one will be kept. The ``prefix`` of that rule is used.
- ``CSSNamespaceRule.namespaceURI`` is readonly now, it can only be set in the constructor (needed to prevent an invalid sheet when changing this uri)
- Namespaces used in a Selector or SelectorList or even a CSSStyleRule while these are not attached to a CSSStyleSheet (which would contain the necessary CSSNamespaceRules) are kept internally. All these classes accept for parameter ``selectorText`` (or ``cssText`` for CSSStyleRule) a tuple of ``(string-to-parse, dict-of-namespaces)`` now while not attached to a style sheet. If attached ``dict-of-namespaces`` is ignored as the namespaces of the relevant style sheet are used. If you need to set e.g. a new selector within a yet undefined namespace, set the namespace in the style sheet first simply by setting e.g. ``sheet[prefix] = namespaceURI``
- removed ``CSSStyleSheet.prefixes``
- removed ``Selector.prefixes``

- **API CHANGE**: ``parentRule`` and ``parentStyleSheet`` of all CSS rules are now readonly to prevent building illegal style sheets.

- **API CHANGE**: Changed order of constructor parameters for ``CSSStyleDeclaration``. Named parameters SHOULD be used anyway but be careful if you used ordered ones here!

* **FEATURE**: ``CSSStyleSheet`` and ``CSSMediaRule`` are iterable now. Both iterate on their ``cssRules``. (Internally generators are used.)

* **FEATURE**: added convinience method ``CSSStyleSheet.add(rule)`` which behaves exactly like ``.insertRule(rule, inOrder=True)``. So rules are added to the approprite position in a style sheet. E.g a namespace rule if put after any import but before other rules like style or font-face rules.

* **FEATURE**: added parameter ``inOrder=False`` to method ``CSSStyleSheet.insertRule`` which inserts a given rule to its proper hierarchy. Parameter ``index`` is ignored in this case but the resulting index is properly returned.

* FEATURE: added convinience method ``CSSMediaRule.add(rule)`` which behaves exactly like ``.insertRule(rule)`` (there is no parameter "inOrder" here as no invalid order may be build in CSS 2.1 or 3).

* FEATURE: Added ``Selector.parentList`` which contains a reference to the containing ``SelectorList``. Needed (at least) to process namespaces properly.

+ **BUGFIX**: ``CSSMediaRule.insertRule`` setting with a rule string fixed

+ **BUGFIX**: ``*.parentStyleSheet`` and ``*.parentRule`` where * is any CSSRule is properly set now

+ **BUGFIX**: ``CSSStyleDeclatation.getPropertyPriority(p)`` returns ``important`` (without the ``"!"``!) or the empty string now (see http://dev.w3.org/csswg/cssom/#the-cssstyledeclaration). Same goes for ``Property.priority`` which is not in CSSOM but cssutils only.

(``Property._normalpriority`` has been removed, the normalized value that was available here is now in ``Property.priority``. The literal priority value is available in ``Property.literalproperty`` now (analog to ``Property.literalname``). All these values probably should not be used by client code anyway but may be helpful when using CSS hacks.)

+ BUGFIX: Changed serialization of combinators in ``Selector`` according to http://dev.w3.org/csswg/cssom/#selectors, e.g. ``a>b+c~d e`` serializes as ``a > b + c ~ d e`` now (single spaces around +, > and ~). A new serializer preference ``selectorCombinatorSpacer = u' '`` has been added to overwrite this behaviour (which is set to ``u''`` when using the CSS minifier settings)

+ BUGFIX: Some minor fixes including some reference improvements

- IMPROVEMENT: csscombine is available via ``from cssutils.scripts import csscombine`` now (not directly in cssutils though!). Some optimizations and comments added.


Not secure
+ **BUGFIX**: Serializing a ``CSSStyleDeclaration`` did not include the effective properties but the last property if set multiple times in a single declaration and preferences ``keepAllProperties == False``.

+ BUGFIX: Fixed parsing of last remaining example in CSS spec ``color:red; color{;color:maroon}; color:green`` which now correctly parses ``color: green``

+ BUGFIX: ``CSSStyleDeclaration.__contains__(property)`` uses not the literal but the normalized name (``Property.name``) to check if a property is set in this declaration now

+ BUGFIX: ``CSSStyleDeclaration.getProperties(all=True)`` failed if comments were present

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