* Add dependantbot action (231) morcuended * support ctapipe 0.22 (230) maxnoe * Add module_id, hardware_pixel_id, module_pixel_index to camera geometry table (226) maxnoe * Raise good error message in case border slices removed by EVB (228) maxnoe
What’s Changed
* Add compatibility with ctapipe 0.21 (225) maxnoe * Add LST-2 to 4 positions (221) maxnoe * Update download url for test data (224) maxnoe * Fix test assert (220) maxnoe * Fix source not working for arbitrary filename (219) maxnoe * Update CI badge README.md (218) maxnoe * Update CI configuration (217) maxnoe
What’s Changed
* Add support for data with missing pixels (offline DVR or missing modules) in EVBv6 / R1v1 format (216) maxnoe
What’s Changed
* Ignore missing TrackEnd when parsing TargetLog file by default (212) maxnoe
What’s Changed
* Fix definition of evb preprocessing flags, apply calibration only when needed (209) maxnoe * Return stream and allow pure_protobuf in `MultiFile`. (210) maxnoe