Support accessing the CTERA migration tool remotely from CTERA Portal.
Changes in this release include:
1. The migration tool module was renamed from **mtool** to **ctera_migrate**
2. When trying to remotely access an Edge Filer from CTERA Portal, you must use the object that's returned from calling the function **remote_access**. For example:
Instead of:
`filer = admin.devices.device('edge-filer-name')`
`'cloud/users/Service Account/My Files/docs/document.txt') this will not work!`
`filer.mtool.list_tasks() this will not work`
Use this:
`filer = admin.devices.device('edge-filer-name')`
`edge = filer.remote_access()`
`'cloud/users/Service Account/My Files/docs/document.txt') this will work`
`edge.ctera_migrate.list_tasks() this will work`
This allows you to maintain two handles:
1. A handle to remotely access the device from CTERA Portal
2. A handle which is authenticated via remote_access