
Latest version: v0.3.6

Safety actively analyzes 663890 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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* Add fuzzy matching on longer literals
* [internal] De-tangle corpus tests into isolated test cases
* Allow spaces around separators in ruleDDMMYYYY and ruleYYYYMMDD



* Add rule for straight forward US formatted dates (`ruleYYYYMMDD`)
* Added rule `ruleYearMonth`
* Added corpus cases for some open issues that now pass
* Changed all internal imports to be absolute (i.e. `from ctparse.x` instead of `from .x`)
* Dropped `tox` (now using github actions)



* Drop support for python 3.6, update dev requirements



* Add support for python 3.9 on travis and in manifest; update build config



* Removed latent rules regarding times (latent rules regarding dates are still present)
* Added latent_time option to customize the new behavior, defauld behavior is backwards-compatible



* Update development dependencies
* Add flake8-bugbear and fixed issues

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