
Latest version: v0.4.1

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<html><head></head><body><h1>Release Notes: Version v0.4.0</h1>
<p>This release introduces comprehensive updates, including new machine learning modules, expanded documentation, and critical bug fixes. The addition of image classification support, Kaggle integration, and adjustments to key machine learning models significantly enhance the repository's functionality.</p>
<h2>🚀 New Features</h2>
<h3>Machine Learning Enhancements</h3>
<p><strong>Added SmallXception Architecture:</strong><br>
A lightweight model for binary image classification tasks.<br>
Commit: <code inline="">b2818e4</code>, <code inline="">b661a0e</code></p>
<p><strong>Introduced ImageClassificationTrainer Class:</strong><br>
Facilitates training and evaluation workflows for image classification.<br>
Commit: <code inline="">180ea0e</code></p>
<p><strong>Added <code inline="">ml_models</code> and <code inline="">ml_trainers</code> Modules:</strong><br>
Comprehensive modules for defining and training machine learning models.<br>
Commit: <code inline="">8c1b804</code>, <code inline="">4577d5f</code></p>
<p><strong>Kaggle Integration:</strong></p>
<li>New <code inline="">kagglehub</code> dependency for downloading datasets and pre-trained models.<br>
Commit: <code inline="">77c832f</code></li>
<li>Included default addresses for Cucaracha pre-trained models.<br>
Commit: <code inline="">4c9c711</code></li>
<li>Module for handling Kaggle API calls.<br>
Commit: <code inline="">1ce6e56</code></li>
<p><strong>Expanded Testing:</strong></p>
<li>Tests for <code inline="">verify_image_compatibility</code> and <code inline="">ml_models</code> modules.<br>
Commits: <code inline="">03754ac</code>, <code inline="">0d92f22</code></li>
<h3>Dependency and Compatibility Updates</h3>
<li>TensorFlow 2.16.2 defined as the required version.<br>
Commit: <code inline="">63cd4c9</code></li>
<li>Removed Windows compatibility; supports Linux/Mac only.<br>
Commit: <code inline="">963fa74</code></li>
<h2>🐛 Bug Fixes</h2>
<p><strong>Dataset Loading Fix:</strong><br>
Adjusted <code inline="">load_cucaracha_dataset</code> to rearrange folder structures for compatibility with <code inline="">ml_trainers</code>.<br>
Commit: <code inline="">515d01c</code></p>
<p><strong>Model Improvements:</strong><br>
Fixed lint issues with the SmallXception model and <code inline="">__str__</code> method for the <code inline="">ModelArchitec</code> interface.<br>
Commits: <code inline="">799474c</code>, <code inline="">436f352</code></p>
<p><strong>Various Fixes:</strong></p>
<li>Resolved <code inline="">int</code> to <code inline="">float</code> assertion issues.<br>
Commit: <code inline="">2fee044</code></li>
<li>Fixes for TensorFlow training runner stability.<br>
Commit: <code inline="">279d75b</code></li>
<h2>📝 Documentation Updates</h2>
<p><strong>Getting Started Section Added:</strong><br>
Comprehensive guide for new users.<br>
Commit: <code inline="">eb809a8</code></p>
<p><strong>New Documentation Sections:</strong><br>
Added details about <code inline="">ml_models</code> and <code inline="">ml_trainers</code> modules.<br>
Commit: <code inline="">f727042</code></p>
<p><strong>Documentation Configuration:</strong><br>
Added <code inline="">mkdocs.yml</code> for structured documentation generation.<br>
Commit: <code inline="">a5cb8c9</code></p>
<h2>🛠️ Enhancements</h2>
<p>Organized the <code inline="">MLPattern</code> interface for general ML implementations.<br>
Commit: <code inline="">c355638</code></p>
<p>Improved code coverage and file organization within the repository.<br>
Commit: <code inline="">335a85c</code>, <code inline="">104ae7f</code></p>
<p>Updated <code inline="">.gitignore</code> to exclude <code inline="">.keras</code> files and <code inline="">organized_dataset</code>.<br>
Commits: <code inline="">45bdcfb</code>, <code inline="">f381dae</code></p>
<p>Improved dataset samples for more robust testing.<br>
Commit: <code inline="">c9c8636</code></p>
<h2>🔒 Issues Resolved</h2>
<li><strong><a href="">#17</a>:</strong> Add ML training support.</li>
<li><strong><a href="">#12</a>:</strong> Define ML model and trainer modules.</li>
<li><strong><a href="">#8</a>:</strong> Add Kaggle integration for datasets and models.</li>
<li><strong><a href="">#7</a>:</strong> Support for image classification tasks.</li>
<li><strong><a href="">#6</a>:</strong> TensorFlow training runner fixes.</li>
<h2>Commit Summary</h2>

Commit | Type | Description
-- | -- | --
a5cb8c9 | DOC | Add mkdocs.yml and section
799474c | BUG | Fix lint on SmallXception model
279d75b | BUG | Fix TensorFlow training runner
b2818e4 | ENH | Add SmallXception ML model
1ce6e56 | ENH | Kaggle API integration
eb809a8 | DOC | Added Getting Started guide
515d01c | BUG | Fix dataset loading issues
b661a0e | ENH | Adjust SmallXception to binary classification
f727042 | DOC | Add sections for ML modules
8c1b804 | ENH | Define ml_models and ml_trainers modules
77c832f | ENH | Add kagglehub dependency
2fee044 | BUG | Fix int-to-float assertion
335a85c | ENH | Improved code coverage
63cd4c9 | ENH | Defined TensorFlow 2.16.2 compatibility

<h2>Upgrade Instructions</h2>
<p>Update your package to the latest version:</p>
<pre><code class="language-bash">pip install cucaracha --upgrade
<p>Follow the <a href="">Getting Started Guide</a> for an overview of the new features.</p>
<p>We encourage users to explore the new ML capabilities and provide feedback through GitHub issues. Thank you for supporting


be95131 (tag: v0.3.0) Merge pull request 5 from acsenrafilho/develop
ec394fe Update
6e34023 Update
c48eb35 DOC: Add Contribute documentation
89a5dce BUG: Going back to remove read the docs actions
f628ad1 ENH: Add documentation build on PR (github action)
ad3aade BUG: Removing doctest for execution not working on Windows (rich print)
e07dde3 ENH: Add more image samples to be used in tests and demonstrations (collected from public repositories)
2477aca BUG: Fix test for sparse_dots filter using the cucaracha output filter standard
1cb50ab ENH: New tests for Document class for methods set_page and run_pipeline
91ba3dd BUG: Fix output format in sparse_dots method to be as cucaracha filter
386608f ENH: Add new methods in Document class: set_page, run_pipeline
3581989 BUG: Fix inplane_deskew method for input that is already in gray-scale


689fe2a (HEAD -> main, tag: v0.2.0, origin/main, origin/HEAD) ENH: Update PyPI package to v0.2.0
cacd731 Merge pull request 4 from acsenrafilho/develop
f4bea60 (origin/develop, develop) BUG: Fix read the docs yml to Python 3.10
8a34f26 BUG: Removing save_document example doctest (Windows wrong path)
cafdf32 BUG: Removing wrong import for scipy
29c541c ENH: Add new module: aligment (code, tests and samples)
3d5f152 ENH: Update project to Python 3.10 or higher and poetry lock
7802cb2 DOC: Added noise removal doc file in the mkdocs.yml
e26f238 ENH: Update poetry lock file
2573849 ENH: Added doctest on Document class
c801a6f ENH: Added more image samples shortucut in module
6f89686 DOC: Added noise remval documentation
41d27e9 ENH: Added noise removal module and tests
093c10f ENH : Added more image samples for testing
1039ca1 ENH: Test using import os to doctest
0f831f4 ENH: Added PyPI badge in README
1405945 BUG: project.toml classifiers
bb33dc1 BUG: Fix pyproject.toml
dc2b812 ENH: Add project PyPI classifiers
9a609e1 DOC: Commenting doctest until fix it for Windows calls (WIP)
ed37367 BUG: Fix doctest to pass over Windows SO
a716c60 ENH: Focusing CI to Python 3.10 only
7bfb575 BUG: Fix test for output metadata as dict pattern
8ab83ac ENH: Module documentation
8922211 ENH: API documentation (Document class, Threshold module)
5e2b458 ENH: Improved read the docs documentation
6c9ccd4 ENH: Added image samples (jpg, png, tif and pdf)
b14b651 ENH: Added tests for Document class
bbeb4d2 ENH: Added threshold module
dcd2b3a ENH: Adding PyMUPDF lib as dependency
d06a688 ENH: Allocation of Document class to cucaracha init file



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