* Python 3.11 added to test matrix and trove classifiers to officially claim support.
* Changes how names using digits were transformed to snake_case or camelCase, for example snake_caseing the value "addressLine1" will now become "address_line_1" instead of previously "address_line1". (github: erik-sundin-billo)
* Added Python 3.10 as trove classifier. * Added test matrix to include Python 3.10.
* Fixes a bug where elements in lists were always treated as dictionaries during the case conversion. The original interface is preserved with optional recursion and functions that are type aware. (github: kiwiholmberg)
* Updated structure and decorator functionality so that the library has no dependencies on other third party libraries any longer. * Improved type hint annotations and structure for builds and tests. * Dropped support for Python 3.6.