- Metadata output for every cached artifact. Alongside every output cache file will be a `[file]_metadata.json`,
containing information about the run that generated it, the parameters, and previous stages run in the same record.
- `track` parameter to cachers, indicating whether the output files should be copied into a full store run folder or not.
(It is true by default.)
- Optional cacher prefixes, which replaces the first part of a cached filepath name (normally the experiment name) with the provided
prefix. This allows cross-experiment caching (use with care!)
- Optional cacher subdir, which places output files into the specified subdirectory in the cache/run folder (allows better organization,
e.g. Kedro's data engineering convention of 01_raw, 02_intermediate, etc.)
- Allowing exact path overrides to be used by a cacher, making it cleaner to use them on the fly/outside of stages.
- `--version` flag on the `curifactory` command.
- Full store cached files are now placed into an `artifacts/` subdirectory of the run folder.
- `PickleCacher`'s extension is now correctly set to `.pkl` (we aren't actually running gzip on it.)
- Full store runs no longer call a cacher's `save` function a second time with a new path, instead relying
on `Record`'s path tracking to simply copy the cached files into the full store folder at the end of a stage.
- Cachers' path mechanism - rather than expecting a cacher's `set_path` to be called beforehand, `save` and `load`
should call the cacher's `get_path()`.
- The default cachers' `save()` functions return the path that was saved to.
- `--name` flag to `--prefix` to make it more consistent to caching terminology.
- Reportable names doubling when loading from cache.
- Silent execution when no parametersets provided or a requested parameterset name wasn't found, (now errors and exits.)