**Fréchet distance (`curvesimilarities.frechet`)**
- Fréchet distance with parameters `fd_params()`.
- Discrete Fréchet distance with indices `dfd_idxs()`.
**Fréchet distance (`curvesimilarities.frechet`)**
- `fd()` is now numba-compiled, and strictly takes numpy arrays as `P` and `Q`.
- `dfd()` is now numba-compiled, and strictly takes numpy arrays as `P` and `Q`.
**Dynamic time warping (`curvesimilarities.dtw`)**
- `dtw()` and `dtw_owp()` now take `dist` argument to specify the distance type.
- `dtw()` and `dtw_owp()` are now numba-compiled, and strictly take numpy arrays as `P` and `Q`.
**Integral Fréchet distance (`curvesimilarities.integfrechet`)**
- `ifd()` and `ifd_owp()` now take `dist` argument to specify the distance type.
- `ifd()` and `ifd_owp()` now use the Euclidean distance as default (which is not implemented yet).
- `ifd()` and `ifd_owp()` are now numba-compiled, and strictly take numpy arrays as `P` and `Q`.
**Utility (`curvesimilarities.util`)**
- `curvespace_path()` is renamed to `curve_matching()`.
**Average Fréchet distance (`curvesimilarities.averagefrechet`)**
- `curvesimilarities.averagefrechet` module is removed.
**Dynamic time warping (`curvesimilarities.dtw`)**
- `sdtw()` and `sdtw_owp()` are removed. Use `dtw()` and `dtw_owp()` with `dist` argument instead.