Release date: 12 Nov 2020
This release features code from our three successful Google Summer of Code students!
* SinghHrmn made improvements to our output formats, including adding a
new HTML human-readable report format. You can try out a demo at <>
* Read [Harmandeep's final GSoC report]( for more details.
* Niraj-Kamdar improved the performance of cve-bin-tool and its tests,
provided significant code modernization and added input modes so you can now
add and re-use triage data with your scans.
* Read [Niraj's final GSoC report]( for more details
* SaurabhK122 added a huge number of new checkers to the tool, both in this release and the previous one.
* Read [Saurabh's final GSoC report]( for more details
Thanks also to the mentors who worked with our students this year: terriko, pdxjohnny, meflin, mdwood-intel and unofficial mentor anthonyharrison who helped us considerably with real-world feedback.
This release also includes contributions from the following new contributors:
* anthonyharrison
* imsahil007
* chaitanyamogal
* Rahul2044
* Wicked7000
* willmcgugan
* kritirikhi
* sakshatshinde