* release-test: newer pip by mr-c in https://github.com/common-workflow-language/cwl-utils/pull/121 * releasing: fix pip version and dist location by mr-c in https://github.com/common-workflow-language/cwl-utils/pull/122
New Contributors * tom-tan made their first contribution in https://github.com/common-workflow-language/cwl-utils/pull/96
New Contributors * alexiswl made their first contribution in https://github.com/common-workflow-language/cwl-utils/pull/53 * KushalBeniwal made their first contribution in https://github.com/common-workflow-language/cwl-utils/pull/78
Created example for importing CWL as an object into python c7308ef alexiswl Example of programmatic CWL creation 6519118 mr-c
Switch to Github Actions b837e28 mr-c add executable bit to setup.py 3387a34 mr-c fix release test dc637b6 mr-c Update ruamel-yaml requirement ff225bb 9b004c1 ac013b5 mr-c dependabot fix typo 3b05cc0 KushalBeniwal Upgrade to GitHub-native Dependabot 8dee31d dependabot mr-c Bump mypy from 0.812 to 0.901 a077d43 mr-c requests type hints are now in a different package c7d7738 mr-c advertise that we include our own types b4b82b5 mr-c get ready for v0.10 release 1bfd7e2 mr-c
CWL tool to refactor expressions / interpolated parameter references - Now exits `7` if only a single file is provided and it is unmodified (and other fixes) 42 mr-c - better escaping 47 mr-c - accept relative paths 48 mr-c
CWL v1.x Parsers: - CWL v1.2: pickValue & when (generic and in the CWL expr refactoring tool) 43 mr-c - fix for expanded syntax in `id`-like fields 51 52 tetron mr-c