
Latest version: v2.8.0

Safety actively analyzes 688843 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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Released 2023-03-25

- Fix HPKE sample. `362 <>`__
- Update dependencies.
- Bump cryptography from 39.0.2. `363 <>`__
- Update dev dependencies.
- Bump pre-commit/mirrors-mypy to 1.1.1. `366 <>`__
- Bump tox to 4.4.7. `365 <>`__
- Bump pytest to 7.2.2. `364 <>`__



Released 2023-02-18

- Remove unused log. `355 <>`__
- Change HPKE sender information from dict to list. `354 <>`__
- Add `352 <>`__
- Remove unused function in CBORProcessor. `333 <>`__
- Fix link to readthedocs. `326 <>`__
- Update dependencies.
- Bump cryptography from 39.0.1. `357 <>`__
- Bump pyhpke from 0.4.1. `356 <>`__
- Update dev dependencies.
- Bump sphinx-rtd-theme to 1.2.0. `351 <>`__
- Bump tox to 4.4.5. `350 <>`__
- Bump pre-commit/black to 23.1.0. `349 <>`__
- Bump pre-commit/isort to 5.12.0. `346 <>`__
- Bump pre-commit/blacken-docs to 1.13.0. `341 <>`__
- Bump sphinx-autodoc-typehints to 1.21.0. `340 <>`__
- Bump pytest to 7.2.1. `338 <>`__



Released 2023-01-01

- Add support for countersignatures. `323 <>`__
- Remove Python 3.7 from CI temporarilly. `323 <>`__
- Enhance COSE message validation. `300 <>`__
- Add test and sample for COSE-HPKE MAC. `297 <>`__
- Add Python 3.11 to CI. `296 <>`__
- Update dependencies.
- Bump cbor2 from 5.4.6. `302 <>`__
- Update dev dependencies.
- Bump tox to 4.1.2. `323 <>`__
- Bump pre-commit/isort to 5.11.3. `311 <>`__
- Bump pre-commit/black to 22.12.0. `306 <>`__
- Bump certifi to 2022.12.7. `303 <>`__



Released 2022-11-29

- Add encode() to COSE. `294 <>`__
- Update dev dependencies.
- Bump pre-commit/flake8 to 6.0.0. `288 <>`__
- Bump pre-commit/mirrors-mypy to 0.991. `288 <>`__
- Bump pre-commit/pre-commit-hooks to 4.4.0. `288 <>`__



Released 2022-11-29

- BREAKING CHANGES for v2.0.0. `290 <>`__
- Remove context parameter from Recipient encode()
- Remove context and salt parameters from Recipient functions.
- Add derive_bytes() to COSEKey interface.
- Add decode() to Recipient interface.
- Remove apply() from Recipient interface.
- Remove from_jwk() from Recipient.
- Remove extract() and decrypt() from Recipient interface.
- Drop support for protected header for Key Wrap.
- Remove derive_key() from COSEKey interface.
- Update examples on README to be compliant with v2.0.0. `290 <>`__
- Remove usage examples from documentation for ReadTheDocs. `290 <>`__
- Add b_protected getter/setter to Recipient interface. `290 <>`__
- Add to_bytes() to COSEKey interface. `285 <>`__
- Add support for HPKE key wrapping experimentally. `284 <>`__



Released 2022-11-16

- Add support for COSE-HPKE DHKEM-X25519/X448 experimentally. `282 <>`__
- Update dependencies.
- Bump pyhpke to 0.4.0. `281 <>`__
- Update dev dependencies.
- Bump pre-commit/mirrors-mypy to 0.990. `279 <>`__
- Bump sphinx-rtd-theme to 1.1.1. `276 <>`__

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