- ``conda/cyipopt-dev.yml`` conda environment file for development.
- ``minimize_ipopt`` approximates the Jacobian of the objective and the
constraints using SciPy's ``approx_fprime`` if not provided [`91`_].
- Make changes as outlined in Version 1.0 proposal [`14`_].
- ``requirements.txt`` file.
- Dedicated tests using pytest in ``cyipopt/tests/`` directory.
- ``examples/`` directory.
- Support for Python 3.9.
- Minimum version requirements for all dependencies.
.. _91: https://github.com/mechmotum/cyipopt/issues/91
.. _14: https://github.com/mechmotum/cyipopt/issues/14
- Installation and development documentation moved from ``README.rst`` to
- Python logger changed to use the ``cyipopt`` namespace [`102`_].
- Class and method names now use PEP8 standards. Old class and method names now
result in a deprecation warning.
- Module directory renamed from ``ipopt.`` to ``cyipopt``.
- ``doc/`` folder renamed to ``docs/``.
- Updated ``CHANGELOG.rst``.
.. _102: https://github.com/mechmotum/cyipopt/issues/102
- Package being imported by ``import ipopt`` (replaced by ``import cyipopt``).
- Use of non-PEP8 named classes/function/methods, e.g. ``cyipopt.problem``
(replaced by ``cyipopt.Problem``), ``cyipopt.problem.addOption`` (replaced by
``cyipopt.Problem.add_option``), ``cyipopt.problem.setProblemScaling``
(replaced by ``cyipopt.Problem.set_problem_scaling``) etc.
- ``test/`` folder containing examples, which have mostly been moved to
- ``docker/``, ``vagrant/`` and ``Makefile`` [`83`_].
- Support for Python 2.7.
- Support for Python 3.5.
.. _83: https://github.com/mechmotum/cyipopt/issues/83