- Added following keywords to support multi-line content
When user enters following lines to the [element]
This keyword can enters multi-line content to element.
1. line 1 content
2. line 2 content
Then the [element] value is
any multi-line content...
Then the [element] value contains
any multi-line content...
- Added accept fail keyword feature
This feature allow scenario to continue running when the specified step was failed
To use this feature just add `, accept fail` sentence after normal keyword for example:
Then the [option1] is selected, accept fail
Then user enters 'some text' to the [textbox] enters text to textbox either option1 was selected or not
- Added conditional keyword feature
This feature allow to combine two steps as conditional and execution step,
these two steps separated by `, ` (comma and one space)
If conditional step was passed it will continue running the execution step, else it will ignore for example:
When the [input] value is '1', user selects the [option1]
When the [input] value is '2', user selects the [option2]