
Latest version: v1.1.3

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correct the text error in log file


reform the log and xlxs text


Reform the log file
Unify the filenames
Add nocalc option for energy computations by user
Add xlsx and pymol scripts update based on energy data file
Add tutorial pdf for user-guide
Other improvement


Distortion Distribution Analysis enabled by Fragmentation (D2AF)

Distortion Distribution Analysis enabled by Fragmentation
Distortion energy visualization of one/multiple conformers relative to the reference structure(eg: global minima). Subsystem extracted based on ONIOM methods(link atoms and scale factors). The subsystem can be defined using three methods:
* 1. atomic/fragments resolution based on fragmentations
* 2. bond and angle resolution based on internal coordinates (bond & angle)
* 3. combination of 1 & 2

conda env create -f environment.yml

pip install D2AF-x.x.x-py3-none-any.whl

- python=3.9
- numpy
- pandas
- openbabel
- openpyxl

- Gaussian03/09/16

- xtb-python

- torchvision
- torch
- torchani

- matplotlib
- tensorboard
- torchvision
- torch
- torchani
- MLatom (3.0.0))
- scipy
- pyh5md
- statsmodels

quantum chemical calculation packages:
Gaussian: Gaussian03,09,16
xTB: xTB-python
ANI: torchani
Mlatom: AIQM1

D2AF -inp input.inp

D2AF -h
The -inp input.inp are recommended

example of inp file showed in example directory
calculator available:
['g03', 'g09', 'g16','gfn1-xtb', 'gfn2-xtb','ani-1x', 'ani-2x', 'ani-1ccx', 'aiqm1']
inp file example:

ref = ref.gjf
conf = conf.gjf
method = int
cpu = int
pal = int
calculator = g16
scale = e/10.0 (optional)

fraglist (optional: only method = 1/3 required)

coordination (optional: only method = 3 available)

include (optional: only method = 2/3 and extra bond/angles (no connection ) are needed)
1 2
1 2 3

exclude (optional: only method = 2/3 and extra bond/angles are not need)
4 7
4 7 9

charge (optional: only if atomic charge not zero required)
5 1

spin (optional: only if atomic charge not zero required)
3 1

**ref**: ref.gjf-reference stucture in Gaussian file, containing **method lines**, **cartesian coordinates** and **connectivity**
* the connectivity (bond order) values should be **1.0, 2.0, 3.0**!
* **1.5 is forbidden**, it should be modified before computations!

**conf**: conf.gjf/.xyz conformer structure, and multiple structure in one xyz file is acceptable

**method**: 1 for framentation method, 2 for bond/angle method, 3 1+2

**cpu**: number of cpu for subsystem computation

**pal**: number of paralle subsystem computations (available for Gaussian, xTB)

**calculator**: calculator (Gaussian, xTB, ANI, AIQM1) for subsystem computation

**scale**: log scale factor for pymol visualization

**fraglist**: method =1/3, define the fragmentation list

**coordination**: method =3, define the coordination center (similar to fraglist)

**include**: method =2/3, additional bond/angle for non-connected atoms

**exclude**: method =2/3, exclude the bond/angle

**charge**: define the atomic charge if not 0

**spin**: define the atomic spin if not 0 (using integer: spin * 2)

Including in D2AF tools:

**autofragment.py** `autofragment`
auto fragmentation!
input: xyz file/ or Gaussian gjf file with/without connectivity
ouput: gjf file with connectivity, fraglist for M1, pymol script for visualization

**atompair.py** `atompair`
pair atom between two gjfs with same connectivity info but different label order
input: gjf1 gjf2 Gaussian files with connectivity
ouput: new gjf2 with same atom label to gjf1

the symmetric atoms can not be separated (warning information)

**pml_str.py** `pml_str`
add addtional command to the pml files such as `bond id x, id x` and `unbond id x, id x` (using `;` to separate lines) in a `""` **not** `''`

**write_run_pml.py** `write_run_pml`
write Pymol run pml to generate strain png files for multi-conformer case (IRC/MD).
inputs: `method number` eg.: `M2 125`

**multi_mov.py** `multi_mov`
after Run Pymol pml to generate strain png files for multi-conformer case (IRC/MD). Generate electronic energy (MEP) and strain energy figure for each conformer, then combine them with stran visualization png to generate a movie
inputs: `energy_xlsx type(IRC/MD)` where xlsx file including ` pos, Energy, Strain M1/M2/M3 columns`

**Combine_multi_conf.py** `Combine_multi`
Similar to Combine_fig_MS.py, but for multiple conformers.
inputs: `conf_id1 conf_id2 ... conf_idn` combine selected confs

**Combine_fig_MS.py/Combine_fig_ppt.py** `Combine_fig_MS/Combine_fig_ppt`
combine multiple pngs (M1, M2, M3) into one png for publication (label a/b/c/d) or ppt (file names)




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