* Various updates in circlepacking including node sizes * type hinting fixes
* Circlepacking block is fixed * Type hinting to python version 3.9 * Check for circularity in data when using sankey and circlepacking * Docstrings updated
* Update d3graph and requirements/setup
* fix for elasticgraph as it was not visible after creating the chart * Heatmap functionalities added: zoom capabilities, z-score normalization, fontsize increase on mouse-over * datazets is used for example data sets * Code refactoring and cleaning * Updating docstrings
**New block added!** * Tree block created * Bugfix for movingbubbles datetime (to make it compatible again with pandas) * Bugfix for example imageslider * [Documentation pages](https://d3blocks.github.io/d3blocks/pages/html/Tree.html) are updated with the `tree` examples
**Other minor improvements** * Styling improved * Code refactoring
* add transparency feature for scatterd * Set default: `c_gradient='opaque',` * Fix for jitter in scatter