
Latest version: v1.12.0

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* Fixed issue 66 Change candidate category names. Largest is now LMCSS,
Smallest is now SMCSS, Apo is now HiResApo, Holo is now HiResHolo



* Fixed issue 58 in chimera_proteinligprep.py code now uses rdkit
for 3d conf gen instead of babel



* Fixed issue 60 where challenge data package was NOT being
uploaded to remote server



* Removed 8 blastnfilter timeout since it was causing blastnfilter
script to hang.

* Blastnfilter.py now uses argparse to parse command line arguments

* Added loggging support into blastnfilter.py



* In proteinligprep.py ligprep command modified. -s 1 -g flags
removed and -ns flag added to preserve stereo information



* Fixed bug 45 where autodock vina task was being incorrectly
fed proteinligprep as input. Code now feeds it chimeraprep

* 28 Data import stage waits for TSV files to be updated before

* 8 celpprunner will now kill blastnfilter if it runs beyond
time set via --blastnfiltertimeout flag

* 37 Added external docking submission task which downloads
external docked results so they can be evaluated the same
way as the internal docking programs

* 44 Added utility function to call external processes. To
reduce redundancy in the code base

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