
Latest version: v1.0.1

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What's Changed
* Better integration with Visual Studio Code: Calling `sdfg.view()` inside a VSCode console or debug session will open the file directly in the editor!
* Code generator for the [Snitch](https://github.com/pulp-platform/snitch) RISC-V architecture (by noah95 and am-ivanov)
* Minor hotfixes to Python frontend, transformations, and code generation (with orausch)

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/spcl/dace/compare/v0.13.2...v0.13.3


What's Changed
* New API for SDFG manipulation: Passes and Pipelines. More about that in the next major release!
* Various fixes to frontend, type inference, and code generation.
* Support for more numpy and Python functions: `arange`, `round`, etc.
* Better callback support:
* Support callbacks with keyword arguments
* Support literal lists, tuples, sets, and dictionaries in callbacks
* New transformations: move loop into map, on-the-fly-recomputation map fusion
* Performance improvements to frontend
* Better Docker container compatibility via fixes for config files without a home directory
* Add interface to check whether in a DaCe parsing context in https://github.com/spcl/dace/pull/998
def potentially_parsed_by_dace():
if not dace.in_program():
print('Called by Python interpreter!')
print('Compiled with DaCe!')

* Support compressed (gzipped) SDFGs. Loads normally, saves with:
sdfg.save('myprogram.sdfgz', compress=True) or just run gzip on your old SDFGs

* SDFV: Add web serving capability by orausch in https://github.com/spcl/dace/pull/1013. Use for interactively debugging SDFGs on remote nodes with: `sdfg.view(8080)` (or any other port)

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/spcl/dace/compare/v0.13.1...v0.13.2


What's Changed
* Python frontend: Bug fixes for closures and callbacks in nested scopes
* Bug fixes for several transformations (`StateFusion`, `RedundantSecondArray`)
* Fixes for issues with FORTRAN ordering of numpy arrays
* Python object duplicate reference checks in SDFG validation

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/spcl/dace/compare/v0.13...v0.13.1


New Features
Cutout allows developers to take large DaCe programs and cut out subgraphs reliably to create a runnable sub-program. This sub-program can be then used to check for correctness, benchmark, and transform a part of a program without having to run the full application.
* Example usage from Python:
def my_method(sdfg: dace.SDFG, state: dace.SDFGState):
nodes = [n for n in state if isinstance(n, dace.nodes.LibraryNode)] Cut every library node
cut_sdfg: dace.SDFG = cutout.cutout_state(state, *nodes)
The cut SDFG now includes each library node and all the necessary arrays to call it with

Also available in the SDFG editor:
<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/8348955/155983136-01638491-26d1-40f8-82f8-7b149215e3c1.gif" height="200px" />

Data Instrumentation:

Just like node instrumentation for performance analysis, data instrumentation allows users to set access nodes to be saved to an instrumented data report, and loaded later for exact reproducible runs.
* Data instrumentation natively works with CPU and GPU global memory, so there is no need to copy data back
* Combined with Cutout, this is a powerful interface to perform local optimizations in large applications with ease!
* Example use:
def tester(A: dace.float64[20, 20]):
tmp = A + 1
return tmp + 5

sdfg = tester.to_sdfg()
for node, _ in sdfg.all_nodes_recursive(): Instrument every access node
if isinstance(node, nodes.AccessNode):
node.instrument = dace.DataInstrumentationType.Save

A = np.random.rand(20, 20)
result = sdfg(A)

Get instrumented data from report
dreport = sdfg.get_instrumented_data()
assert np.allclose(dreport['A'], A)
assert np.allclose(dreport['tmp'], A + 1)
assert np.allclose(dreport['__return'], A + 6)

Logical Groups:

SDFG elements can now be grouped by any criteria, and they will be colored during visualization by default (by phschaad). See example in action:
<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/8348955/155984287-79eaad11-1022-4857-8d79-97cc60855b20.gif" height="200px" />

Changes and Bug Fixes
* Samples and tutorials have now been updated to reflect the latest API
* Constants (added with `sdfg.add_constant`) can now be used as access nodes in SDFGs. The constants are hard-coded into the generated program, so you can run code with the best performance possible.
* View nodes can now use the `views` connector to disambiguate which access node is being viewed
* Python frontend: `else` clause is now handled in for and while loops
* Scalars have been removed from the `__dace_init` generated function signature (by orausch)
* Multiple clock signals in the RTL codegen (by carljohnsen)
* Various fixes to frontends, transformations, and code generators

**Full Changelog** available at https://github.com/spcl/dace/compare/v0.12...v0.13


API Changes
**Important**: Pattern-matching transformation API has been significantly simplified. Transformations using the old API must be ported! Summary of changes:
* Transformations now expand either the `SingleStateTransformation` or `MultiStateTransformation` classes instead of using decorators
* Patterns must be registered as class variables called `PatternNode`s
* Nodes in matched patterns can be then accessed in `can_be_applied` and `apply` directly using `self.nodename`
* The name `strict` is now replaced with `permissive` (False by default). Permissive mode allows transformations to match in more cases, but may be dangerous to apply (e.g., create race conditions).
* `can_be_applied` is now a method of the transformation
* The `apply` method accepts a graph and the SDFG.

Example of using the new API:
import dace
from dace import nodes
from dace.sdfg import utils as sdutil
from dace.transformation import transformation as xf

class ExampleTransformation(xf.SingleStateTransformation):
Define pattern nodes
map_entry = xf.PatternNode(nodes.MapEntry)
access = xf.PatternNode(nodes.AccessNode)

Define matching subgraphs
def expressions(cls):
MapEntry -> Access
return [sdutil.node_path_graph(cls.map_entry, cls.access)]

def can_be_applied(self, graph: dace.SDFGState, expr_index: int, sdfg: dace.SDFG, permissive: bool = False) -> bool:
Returns True if the transformation can be applied on a subgraph
if permissive: In permissive mode, we will always apply this transformation
return True
return self.map_entry.schedule == dace.ScheduleType.CPU_Multicore

def apply(self, graph: dace.SDFGState, sdfg: dace.SDFG):
Apply the transformation using the SDFG API

Simplifying SDFGs is renamed from `sdfg.apply_strict_transformations()` to `sdfg.simplify()`

AccessNodes no longer have an `AccessType` field.

Other changes
* More nested SDFG inlining opportunities by default with the multi-state inline transformation
* Performance optimizations of the DaCe framework (parsing, transformations, code generation) for large graphs
* Support for Xilinx Vitis 2021.2
* Minor fixes to transformations and deserialization

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/spcl/dace/compare/v0.11.4...v0.12


What's Changed
* If a Python call cannot be parsed into a data-centric program, DaCe will automatically generate a callback into Python. Supports CPU arrays and GPU arrays (via CuPy) without copying!
* Python 3.10 support
* CuPy arrays are supported when calling `dace.program`s in JIT mode
* Fix various issues in Python frontend and code generation

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/spcl/dace/compare/v0.11.3...v0.11.4

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