
Latest version: v1.2.2

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Major changes

* Use Tornado for worker-scheduler communication.
Communication between scheduler and workers is now using ``tornado`` instead of ``dask`` to be more lightweight and reliable. Furthermore, a worker client is persistent across blocks, allowing it to request and receive multiple blocks to process on. This change is heavily motivated by the long queuing delay of ``lsf``/``slurm`` and bring-up delay of ``tensorflow``.
Furthermore, the user now has an API for acquiring and releasing block, allowing them to write their own Python module implementation of workers.
By :user:`Tri Nguyen <trivoldus28>`, :user:`Jan Junke <funkey>`

* Introduce :class:`Task` and :class:`Parameter`, and :func:`daisy.distribute` to execute :class:`Task` chain.

* Changed :class:`SharedGraphProvider` and :class:`SharedSubGraph` APIs, and added many new features
including ability to have directed and undirected graphs. For the mongo backend, also added the ability to
store node/edge features in separate collections, and filter by node/edge feature values.

Notable features

* :class:`Task` sub-ROI request.
A sub-region of a task's available ``total_roi`` can be restricted/requested
explicitly using the :func:`daisy.distribute` interface.



task_spec = {'task': mytask, 'request': [daisy.Roi((3,), (2,))]}

The ``request`` will be expanded to align with ``write_roi``.

* Multiple :class:`Task` targets.
A single :func:`daisy.distribute` can execute multiple target tasks simultaneous.


task_spec0 = {'task': mytask0}
task_spec1 = {'task': mytask1}
daisy.distribute([task_spec0, task_spec1])

Tasks' dependencies (shared or not) will be processed correctly.

* Periodic status report.
Daisy gives a status report of running/finished tasks, blocks running/finished
status, and an ETA based on the completion rate of the last 2 minutes.

* Z-order block-wise scheduling.


* Drop support for Python 3.4.x and 3.5.x.
We have moved to using Python's ``asyncio`` capability as the sole backend for Tornado. Python 3.4.x does not have asyncio. While Python 3.5.x does have asyncio built-in, its implementation is buggy.



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