- Fixed double reports from flake8. These were occurring due to the two entry points listed in the setup file. Currently, the fix just uses two temporary subclasses that filter the response from running Darglint. Ideally, flake8 would not run the same program twice -- a script may want to report more than one error code. (As is the case here.)
- The ability to read from stdin, which should make it easier to integrate darglint into other tools.
- The restriction that a file must end in `.py`.
- Simplified the interface for the Docstring base class. This should make modifications easier, and should ensure that the same value is returned consistently between Google and Sphinx styles.
This comes at the cost of a slightly more complicated function signature for the functions which remain. However, the single parameter which is passed to the functions (an enumeration named `Sections`), can (and should) be used everywhere the `NodeType` enumeration is currently used (outside of the actual parsing step.) This will effectively create a firewall around the parsing step.
- Fix the parser failing on single-word return description.
- Check for excess variable descriptions in Sphinx docstrings. If the docstring contains `:var <name>:`, and the *name* doesn't exist in the actual function, an error will be issued.
- Parser exception being thrown when there is a whitespace-only line with indentation at the same level as an item within a compound section. (See Issue 7.)
- Support for using Darglint as a Flake8 extension. If Flake8 and Darglint are installed in the same environment, Darglint will issue warnings through Flake8.
- Parser for sphinx-style docstrings. This parser handles most sphinx-style docstrings, but adds certain restrictions. For example, the fields such as `:returns:` must be the last items in the docstring, must be together, and any multiple lines must be indented with four spaces. - Pipfile for setup with pipenv.