- Linter failures now result in an exit value of 1, regardless of whether ``--check``
was used or not. This makes linting in Darker compatible with ``pre-commit``.
- Declare Python 3.9 and 3.10 as supported in package metadata
- Run test build in a Python 3.10 environment on GitHub Actions
- Explanation in README about how to use ``args:`` in pre-commit configuration
- ``.py.<hash>.tmp`` files from VSCode are now correctly compared to corresponding
``.py`` files in earlier revisions of the Git reposiotry
- Honor exclusion patterns from Black_ configuration when choosing files to reformat.
This only applies when recursing directories specified on the command line, and only
affects Black_ reformatting, not ``isort`` or linters.
- ``--revision rev1...rev2`` now actually applies reformatting and filters linter output
to only lines modified compared to the common ancestor of ``rev1`` and ``rev2``
- Relative paths are now resolved correctly when using the ``--stdout`` option
- Downgrade to Flake8_ version 3.x for Pytest compatibility.
See `tholo/pytest-flake881`__
__ https://github.com/tholo/pytest-flake8/issues/81