Bug fixes
Fix factor of 2 in dipole coupling
* When setting the transition magnetic moment parameters, e.g. mu_tr_mu4, DarkNews was artificially interpreting the coupling as ''d'' instead of ''mu_tr'' (as the name suggests). The relation between these parameters is d = mu/2, so couplings were artificially twice as large as they should have been (and rates four times as large). This bug fix makes the rates consistent with the calculations in [this paper](https://arxiv.org/abs/2206.07100).
Other fixes
* fix bugs in setting the logging level
* fix missing factor of 3 in three_charge in pdg.new_particle()
* update pyhepmc.io import according to the latest pyhepmc version.
* delete ToyAnalysis. This will be replaced by the fastbnb package
* improved and updated examples
* allowed setting parameters to None in input files
* created CKM matrix
* created MiniBooNE RHC dirt mode preset experiment
* determining model type now within GenLauncher
* created input tests