- visually freezing rows and/or columns
- filtering in either FE or BE, basic filtering UI
- sorting in either FE or BE, basic sorting UI
- pagination in either FE or BE, basic pagination UI
- performance optimizations
- basic coverage through e2e, integration and unit tests
- See v_be_page_usage.py and v_fe_page_usage.py for FE and BE usage scenarios.
- virtual_dataframe and virtual_dataframe_indices are exposed and expected to be *readonly*. Setting them from the BE will have no impact on the FE display.
FE Virtualization
- BE is not expected to update the dataframe when the virtualization settings are updated.
BE Virtualization
- BE is expected to update the dataframe when the virtualization settings are updated.
Freeze Top Rows (Limitations)
- the table styling is forced to { table-layout: fixed; width: 0 !important; } to ensure the frozen section and the rest of the table stay in sync (width-wise); this means that the width of the table is only driven by the width of the columns (default width is 200px)
- can't freeze rows and columns at the same time
Freeze Left Columns (Limitations)
- performance is highly impacted if the table is in a scrollable container as the frozen columns position has to be recalculated on each scroll event; impact is minimal up to 50-100 items and makes the table difficult to use with 250-500 items
- can't freeze rows and columns at the same time
- when using merged headers, make sure that the number of fixed columns respects the merged headers, otherwise there will be some unresolved visual bugs/artifacts
- rows are assumed to all have the same height
Deletable Columns (Limitations)
- there might be unintended side-effects if used with BE virtualization (the act of deleting a column / columns modifies the dataframe)
Performance Improvements
- Table now renders and navigates faster
- Typing in cell does not modify dataframe until focus is lost / edit is confirmed ("enter" or "tab)
- prop "update_on_unfocus" has been removed