
Latest version: v0.0.1

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This is the complete initial release of dash-yada, Your Automated Dashboard Assistant


What's Changed
* updated examples and readme by AnnMarieW in https://github.com/BSd3v/dash-yada/pull/19
* css-adjustments by BSd3v in https://github.com/BSd3v/dash-yada/pull/26
* fixing bloopers by BSd3v in https://github.com/BSd3v/dash-yada/pull/27

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/BSd3v/dash-yada/compare/0.0.1a2...0.0.1a5


What's Changed
* Merge pull request 8 from BSd3v/dev by BSd3v in https://github.com/BSd3v/dash-yada/pull/9
* readme by AnnMarieW in https://github.com/BSd3v/dash-yada/pull/10
* latest demo changes by AnnMarieW in https://github.com/BSd3v/dash-yada/pull/11
* change name to YadaAIO. updates to script - new gif for readme by AnnMarieW in https://github.com/BSd3v/dash-yada/pull/12
* Updated sleep msg and script by AnnMarieW in https://github.com/BSd3v/dash-yada/pull/13
* updating property names to be more inlined with Dash naming conventions by BSd3v in https://github.com/BSd3v/dash-yada/pull/17

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/BSd3v/dash-yada/compare/0.0.1a1...0.0.1a2


First alpha release



Has known vulnerabilities

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