- Stop exporting d3 as `Plotly.d3`, and remove many other deep pieces of the public API. This does not affect the `dcc.Graph` component, but if you make use of `Plotly` from the global scope in some other way you may be affected.
- Drop the deprecated trace types `contourgl` and `area`, as well as legacy pre-`scatterpolar` polar attributes `bar.r`, `bar.t`, `scatter.r`, `scatter.t`, `layout.radialaxis`, `layout.angularaxis`. Use `scatterpolar`, `barpolar`, and `polar` subplots instead.
- `heatmapgl` and `pointcloud` trace types, and the `transform` attribute are deprecated, and will be removed in a future release.
- Increase CSP safety by removing function constructors. 3D plots still use function constructors, but if you place one of the non-3D bundles (including the new `strict` bundle) in your `assets` folder you will have no function constructors.
- Remove "Aa" text in legends.
- Default `hovermode` to "closest".
- Default `textposition` to "auto" in `bar` traces. If you previously used the `bar.text` attribute for hover only, you will need to explicitly set `textposition="none"`.
- Add `bar.marker.pattern`, `image.zsmooth`, and various other features and bugfixes.