- Column is a required field for Expectation - ignore_nulls is a field in Expectation - Expectation parameter renamed behavior
- Added an Expectation and ColumnExpectation dataclass for data modelling - Added helper functions to serialize and deserialize to Expectation dataclasses
- Improved documentation (all expectations now have docstrings) - Additional Tests (although previously had 100% test coverage, more tests have been added) - Internal restructuring of code, no changes to usage if followed documentation - Simplification of some functions for readability and performance
What's Changed * Add license scan report and status by fossabot in https://github.com/joocer/data_expectations/pull/8 * maintenance release 1.2.0 by joocer in https://github.com/joocer/data_expectations/pull/9
New Contributors * fossabot made their first contribution in https://github.com/joocer/data_expectations/pull/8