- Fixed bugs with reading in tracab data in special cases - Fixed bus with reading in opta data in special cases - Added tracking data passes features - Added tracking data shot features - optimized performance of processing data
- Added databallpy_events to get a unified type of event data - Added individual player possessions (Adrienko et al., 2016) - Added pressure feature (Herrold et al., 2022) - Added differentiate features with filters - Optimized loading in tracab tracking data - In quality checks, fixed some minor bugs.
- Added way to save Match objects, and to load saved Match objects - Fixed bug in opta event data, own goals are now parsed as seperate event type - Added parser for Inmotio tracking data - Added parser for Instat event data - Added quality checks for the data, raises warning if quality is not good enough
- Added parser for Metrica, including an open dataset - Added functionality to synchronize tracking and event data - Added functionality to plot events - Fixed bug, now both tracking and event data are normalized in direction - Fixed unexpected behaviour, all date related objects are now datetime objects
- Hot fix to make documentation visible.
- First version of `databallpy` with utilities! You can now read in data from tracab and opta and create short videos of the tracking data!