New features:
- \1184635774415961: Added ability to disable automatic tracking on functions, decorators, and DAGs
- \1186666107312362: Warning message displayed when not all outputs are available for a task.
- \1184186845180735: Support for py_files in the Databricks environment.
- \1185262786942811: Added overwriting of targets via save_options to historically overwrite new data to the same path.
- \1184836053179881: Added ability to configure histograms
- \1186033707483059: Trackers added to a task/pipeline run banner
- \1185174851651484: Tracking logic moved to dbnd_airflow
- \1183947756269387: Changed the default SparkDataFrameToCsv marshaller behaviour
- \1186029239496897: Added automatic logging for Spark initialization
- \1180558848817017: Automatic configuration of the databand_url on Spark
- Timeline - parent tasks now clearly show when a child task was running
- Show value inline for short params and results instead of the path or a placeholder
Fixed issues:
- \1186251402357473: --disable-web-tracker function does not work.
- \1183600904070465: 500 HTTP error thrown on bad paramater definition: Format=parameter.choices(["artemis","bago_dialer"]).default("artemis")
- \1186666107312349: Recreated filesystem objects on remote execution to prevent credentials conflict
- Timeline - children didn't always appear below their parents
- Timeline - tasks with the same name were incorrectly grouped together
- Refresh button wasn't working correctly on several pages
- Recent values in alert config showing non-recent values
- fixed run list UI issues
- fixed task sometimes not being selected in the graph during initial page load
- large performance improvements for the stats endpoint exporting metrics to prometheus