
Latest version: v2.2.1

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- **Support of Databricks Runtimes 6.4(ESR) and 7.3, 7.6, 8.0, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3 (both standard and ML)**
- Security fixes for the Javascript Jupyterlab extension of ssh_ipykernel and databrickslabs-jupyterlab


- **Jupyter Lab support**
With support for Jupyterlab the installation could be simplified drastically

- **Support of Databricks Runtimes 6.4 and higher (incl 8.1)**


- **A new parser for ssh/config**
It aims for minimum changes (including whitespaces and comments). For verification it shows the diff view to the original version.

- **SSH tunnels**
SSH tunnels are now supported by setting the environment variable SSH_TUNNEL to `address:port` of the tunnel service. See above where a standard AWS Databricks hostname and port (``, `2200`) got replaced by a SSH tunnel at `111.222.333.444` and port `2222`.
For the ssh tunnel one can use a managed service like [ngrok](
Alternatively, build your own tunneling service based on e.g. [Fast Reverse Proxy (fpr)]( as described in ![Fast Reverse proxy configuration](docs/v2/

- **Support of Databricks Runtimes 6.4 and higher (incl 7.5)**


- **Input of Personal Access Token (PAT) in Jupyter is not necessary any more**

While starting the kernel, the kernel manager will use an own kernel client and create the Spark Session and other artifacts via REST API and the secure SSH tunnels *[(DEMO)](docs/v2/news/*.

- **Native Windows support**

Anaconda and Jupyter on Windows 10 (with OpenSSH) can be used with *JupyterLab Integration* *[(DEMO)](docs/v2/news/*.

- **Docker support**

No need for local Anaconda and *JupyterLab Integration* installation - the quickest way to test *JupyterLab Integration* *[(DEMO)](docs/v2/news/*.

- **Browsers**

- **DBFS browser with file preview**

The DBFS browser does not use sidecar any more and allows to preview many text files like csv, sh, py, ... *[(DEMO)](docs/v2/news/*

- **Database browser with schema and data preview**

The Database browser does not use sidecar any more and allows to preview the table schema and shows sample rows of the data *[(DEMO)](docs/v2/news/*

- **MLflow browser**

A mlflow experiements browser that converts all runs of an experiment into a Pandas Dataframe to query and compare best runs in pandas. *[(DEMO - Intro)](docs/v2/news/*, *[(DEMO - Keras)](docs/v2/news/*, *[(DEMO - MLlib)](docs/v2/news/*

- **dbutils**

- **Support for `dbutils.secrets`**

`dbutils.secrets` allow to hide credentials from your code *[(DEMO)](docs/v2/news/*

- **Support for `dbutils.notebook`**

Higher compatibility with Databricks notebooks:
- `dbutils.notebook.exit` stops "Running all cells" *[(DEMO)](docs/v2/news/*
- `` allows to run `.py`and `.ipynb` files from notebooks in JupyterLab Integration *[(DEMO)](docs/v2/news/*

- **Support for kernels without Spark**

Create a *JupyterLab Integration* kernel specification with `--nospark` if no Spark Session on the remote cluster is required, e.g. for Deep Learning *[(DEMO)](docs/v2/news/*

- **Support of Databricks Runtimes 6.4 and higher (incl 7.0)**

The changed initialisation from DBR 6.4 and above (*pinned* mode) is now supported

- **JupyterLab 2.1 is now default**

Bumped JupyterLab to the latest version

- **Experimental features**

- **Scala support (*experimental*)**

The `%%scala` magic will send Scala code to the same Spark Context *[(DEMO)](docs/v2/news/*

- **%fs support (*experimental*)**

The `%fs` of `%%fs` magic is supported as a shortcut for `` *[(DEMO)](docs/v2/news/*

V1.0.x (December 2019)

- **Use *Databricks CLI* profiles and contain URLs and tokens**

*Jupyterlab Integration* used officially supported *Databroicks CLI* configurations to retrieve the Personal Access Tokens and URLs for remote cluster access. Personal Access Tokens will not be copied to the remote cluster

- **Create and manage Jupyter kernel specifications for remote Databricks clusters**

*Jupyterlab Integration* allows to create Jupyter kernel specifications for remote Databricks clusters via SSH. Kernel specifications can also be reconfigured or deleted

- **Configure SSH locally and remotely**

*Jupyterlab Integration* allows to create a local ssh key pair and configure the cluster with the public key for SSH access. INjecting the public key will restart the remote cluster

- **Create a Spark session and attach notebooks to it**

With *Jupyterlab Integration*, one needs to provide the Personal Access Token in th browser to authenticate the createion of a Spark Session. The current notebook will then be connected with this Spark session.

- **Mirror a a remote Databricks environment**

*Jupyterlab Integration* can mirror the versions of Data Science related libraries to a local conda environment. A blacklist and a whitelist allow to control which libraries are actually mirrored

Release documentation

Release process

1 Tests

- On Macos set limits:

$ sudo launchctl limit maxfiles 65536 200000

- On Windows one needs `OpenSSH 8` for the tests:

C:\>choco install openssh

set SSH=C:\Program Files\OpenSSH-Win64\ssh.exe

C:\> cmd /c ""%SSH%"" -V
OpenSSH_for_Windows_8.0p1, LibreSSL 2.6.5

Note: This assumes that []( is installed

- Copy `<root>/tests/config-template.yaml` to `<root>/config.yaml` and edit it accordingly

- Depending on whether test should be run against AWS or Azure, set one of

$ export CLOUD=aws
$ export CLOUD=azure

or under Windows one of

C:\>set CLOUD=aws
C:\>set CLOUD=azure

- Start clusters

python tests/

or restart clusters:

python tests/

- Create secret scope and key for tests (if not already exists)

python tests/

- Execute tests
Note: For dev tests (the current version is not published to pypi), enable ``, i.e. comment the skip marks decorating the test.

Execute the tests

pytest -v -o log_cli=true

- Remove clusters


2 Python package

In case the jupyter labextions and/or the python code has been changed:

1. Run tests

make tests

2. Clean environment

make clean delete all temp files
make prepare commit deletions

3. Bump version of databrickslabs_jupyterlab

- A new release candidate with rc0

make bump part=major|minor|patch

- A new build

make bump part=build

- A new release

make bump part=release

- A new release without release candidate

make bump part=major|minor|patch version=major.minor.patch

4. Create distribution

make dist

5. Create and tag release

make release

6. Deploy to pypi

make upload

3 Labextension

1. Change directory to `databrickslabs_jupyterlab_status`
2. Follow steps 2-6 of 2.

4 Docker image

1. Create docker image

make docker

2. Publish image

make upload_docker

5 Push changes

1. Push repo and tag

git push --no-verify
git push origin --no-verify --tags


- Fixed a regression when introducing newer package versions whoch broke python3.5 (DBR 5.5) support



- Fixed a regression when introducing version-parser: blacklist had to be updated

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