* Added find function (ctrl+f) in CEFDatabrowse
* Improved error reporting in CEFDatabrowse
* Switched from x3dom to x_ite (x_ite supports built in x3d scripts)
* Added v1 of no provenance mode to db_generic_XML_file (removes all lip:process tags)
* Added v1 of data fusion custom view to db_directory (Simple search function and render for any tag in .xlp or .xlg files in current directory)
* Added v1 of db_git plugin (displays relavant details of a git repository such as commit history, directory structure, modified files/untracked files, and current branch) Requires GITPython module.
* ~Added prompt during install to allow user to decide if they want to use pip to automatically install dependencies or not~
* Requirements can be install manually by running requirements.py or by running pip install -r requirements/<your system>/requirements.txt
* Updated syntax to work with Python 3 but all functionality untested on Python 3 at the moment
* Many bug fixes