* [BUGFIX] Fix `Metric.send` method to play nice with multiple metrics, [59][] (thanks [kuzmich][])
* [BUGFIX] Fix socket creation thread-unsafe code, [57][] [60][] (thanks [GrahamDumpleton][])
* [BUGFIX] Rename `metric_type` parameter to `type` in `Metric.send` method, [64][]
* [FEATURE] Add new monitor `unmute` arg (`all_scopes`) to allow clearing all mute settings for a given monitor, [58][]
* [FEATURE] Revoke a shared screenboard, [46][]
* [IMPROVEMENT] Add a timed context manager to `statsd`, [65][] (thanks [clokep][])
* [IMPROVEMENT] Adjust Dogshell descriptions to distinguish between `mute_all`/`unmute_all` and `mute`/`unmute` methods, [58][]
* [IMPROVEMENT] Include additional information in 403 response exceptions, [58][]
* [OTHER] Update `requests` library, per CVE-2015-2296, [63][]