This is a new suite of datalad commands to handle metadata. It includes a new storage backend, that does not interfere (and does not inter-operate) with the metadata storage system used in versions < `0.3.0`.
New commands:
The following commands are new, or have a changed syntax and semantic
* `meta-add`: add metadata to a repository
* `meta-dump`: dump metadata stored in a repository.
* `meta-aggregate`: aggregate metadata stored in sub-datasets and store it in the super-dataset
* `meta-extract`: run extractors to create metadata from repository-content
* `meta-filter`: run filter over all or parts of the metadata stored in a repository
* `meta-conduct`: execute pipelines that process metadata, e.g. extract metadata from all files in a dataset and add it to the repository. A few pipelines are provided with the release.
New extractors and idexers:
* `studyminimeta`-extractor: creates metadata from studyminimeta-files, i.e. `<dataset-root>/.studyminimeta.yaml`.
* `studyminimeta`-indexer: creates key-value sets from `studyminimeta`-metadata that is optimized for `datalad search`.
This new suite of metadata commands is more or less a complete rewrite of the previous version. The concept has evolved, the syntax and semantics of the commands have changed, and the documentation is still growing.
At the moment there is no tool to import old metadata into the new system (although that is possible by reading the old metadata, converting each entry to a metadata record and add it to the new system via `meta-add`). The next release is intended to provide a tool for that.
**Full Changelog**: