* Add `datalite.migrations` module, which introduces `datalite.migrations.basic_migrate`. This method can be used to perform schema migration on datalite classes in case their fields change.
Not secure
* Add pagination support for `fetch_if`, `fetch_all` and `fetch_where`, with these functions, one can now specify `page` and `element_count` parameters to get a subgroup of the results.
Not secure
* Bug fix, import paths fixed.
Not secure
* Code refactoring, fetch functions are moved into `datalite.fetch` module, this module includes `fetch_if`, `fetch_range`, `fetch_where`, `fetch_from`, `fetch_all`, `fetch_equals` and `is_fetchable`.
Not secure
* Add `fetch_where(class_: type, field: str, value: Any) -> Tuple[class_]`, a wrapper around `fetch_if`, checks for a single `field` `value` pair as a condition, and returns all objects of type `class_` that fit the definition.
Not secure
* Addition of `fetch_equals(class_: type, field: str, value: Any) -> Optional[class_]` that is used to fetch an object whose value of a given field is checked, this is a simpler, one conditional version of `fetch_if`.