- New `"container"` plugin configuration setting for providing a CSS selector to an element in which the map will be displayed - thanks, Emma Lewis! 6 - New `"tile_layer"` and `"tile_layer_options"` plugin configuration settings for setting custom tile layers. 5
- Ability to customize the marker popup - 11 - **Security**: Fixed XSS issue where marker bubbles could include executable JavaScript in the pretty-printed JSON
* Updated demos in README
- Ignore any latitude/longitude points that evaluate to `NaN` (rather than erroring and failing to load the whole map) 12
* Use `.json?_shape=objects` rather than the old, deprecated `.jsono`
- Upgraded Leaflet to 1.5.1 - Upgraded leaflet.markercluster to 1.4.1
This fixes a bug where `datasette-cluster-map` and [datasette-leaflet-geojson](https://github.com/simonw/datasette-leaflet-geojson) could not run within the same Datasette instance.