
Latest version: v0.17.0

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This release includes major contributions from `maihde <>`_ (generalizing ``count_cat`` to ``by`` span for colorize), `jonmmease <>`_ (Dask quadmesh support), `philippjfr <>`_ and `jbednar <>`_ (count_cat/by/colorize/docs/bugfixes), and Barry Bragg, Jr. (TMS tileset speedups).

New features (see ``getting_started/2_Pipeline.ipynb`` for examples):

- New ``by()`` categorical aggregator, extending ``count_cat`` to work with other reduction functions, no longer just ``count``. Allows binning of aggregates separately per category value, so that you can compare how that aggregate is affected by category value. (`875 <>`_, `#902 <>`_, `#904 <>`_, `#906 <>`_). See example in the `holoviews docs <>`_.
- Support for negative and zero values in ``tf.shade`` for categorical aggregates. (`896 <>`_, `#909 <>`_, `#910 <>`_, `#908 <>`_)
- Support for ``span`` in _colorize(). (`875 <>`_, `#910 <>`_)
- Support for Dask-based quadmesh rendering for rectilinear and curvilinear mesh types (`885 <>`_, `#913 <>`_)
- Support for GPU-based raster mesh rendering via ``Canvas.quadmesh`` (`872 <>`_)
- Faster TMS tileset generation (`886 <>`_)
- Expanded performance guide (`868 <>`_)


- Misc bugfixes and improvements (`874 <>`_, `#882 <>`_, `#888 <>`_, `#889 <>`_, `#890 <>`_, `#891 <>`_)

Compatibility (breaking changes and deprecations):

- To allow negative-valued aggregates, count_cat now weights categories according to how far they are from the minimum aggregate value observed, while previously they were referenced to zero. Previous behavior can be restored by passing ``color_baseline=0`` to ``count_cat`` or ``by``
- ``count_cat`` is now deprecated and removed from the docs; use ``by(..., count())`` instead.
- Result of a ``count()`` aggregation is now ``uint32`` not ``int32`` to distinguish counts from other aggregation types (`910 <>`_).
- tf.shade now only treats zero values as missing for ``count`` aggregates (``uint``; zero is otherwise a valid value distinct from NaN (`910 <>`_).
- ``alpha`` is now respected as the upper end of the alpha range for both _colorize() and _interpolate() in tf.shade; previously only _interpolate respected it.
- Added new nansum_missing utility for working with Numpy>1.9, where nansum no longer returns NaN for all-NaN values.
- ds.geo and ds.spatial modules are now deprecated; their contents have moved to xarray_spatial and spatialpandas, respectively. (`894 <>`_)

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This release includes major contributions from `jonmmease <>`_ (polygon rendering, spatialpandas), along with contributions from `philippjfr <>`_ and `brendancol <>`_ (bugfixes), and `jbednar <>`_ (docs, warnings, and import times).

New features:

- Polygon (and points and lines) rendering for spatialpandas extension arrays (`826 <>`_, `#853 <>`_)
- Quadmesh GPU support (`861 <>`_)
- Much faster import times (`863 <>`_)
- New table in docs listing glyphs supported for each data library (`864 <>`_, `#867 <>`_)
- Support for remote Parquet filesystems (`818 <>`_, `#866 <>`_)

Bugfixes and compatibility:

- Misc bugfixes and improvements (`844 <>`_, `#860 <>`_, `#866 <>`_)
- Fix warnings and deprecations in tests (`859 <>`_)
- Fix Canvas.raster (padding, mode buffers, etc. `862 <>`_)

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This release includes major contributions from `jonmmease <>`_ (GPU support), along with contributions from `brendancol <>`_ (viewshed speedups), `jbednar <>`_ (docs), and `jsignell <>`_ (examples, maintenance, website).

New features:

- Support for CUDA GPU dataframes (cudf and dask_cudf) (`794 <>`_, `#793 <>`_, `#821 <>`_, `#841 <>`_, `#842 <>`_)
- Documented new quadmesh support (renaming user guide section 5_Rasters to 5_Grids to reflect the more-general grid support) (`805 <>`_)

Bugfixes and compatibility:

- Avoid double-counting line segments that fit entirely into a single rendered pixel (`839 <>`_)
- Improved geospatial toolbox, including 75X speedups to viewshed algorithm (`811 <>`_, `#824 <>`_, `#844 <>`_)



This release includes major contributions from `jonmmease <>`_ (quadmesh and filled-area support), `brendancol <>`_ (geospatial toolbox, tile previewer), `philippjfr <>`_ (distributed regridding, dask performance), and `jsignell <>`_ (examples, maintenance, website).

New features:

- Native quadmesh (``canvas.quadmesh()`` support (for rectilinear and curvilinear grids -- 3X faster than approximating with a trimesh; `779 <>`_)
- `Filled area <>`_ (``canvas.area()`` support (`734 <>`_)
- Expanded `geospatial toolbox <>`_, with support for:

* Zonal statistics (`782 <>`_)
* Calculating viewshed (`781 <>`_)
* Calculating proximity (Euclidean and other distance metrics, `772 <>`_)

- Distributed raster regridding with Dask (`762 <>`_)
- Improved dask performance (`798 <>`_, `#801 <>`_)
- ``tile_previewer`` utility function (simple Bokeh-based plotting of local tile sources for debugging; `761 <>`_)

Bugfixes and compatibility:

- Compatibility with latest Numba, Intake, Pandas, and Xarray (`763 <>`_, `#768 <>`_, `#791 <>`_)
- Improved datetime support (`803 <>`_)
- Simplified docs (now built on Travis, and no longer requiring GeoViews) and examples (now on
- Skip rendering of empty tiles (`760 <>`_)
- Improved performance for point, area, and line glyphs (`780 <>`_)
- ``InteractiveImage`` and ``Pipeline`` are now deprecated; removed from examples (`751 <>`_)



This release includes major contributions from `jonmmease <>`_ (ragged array extension, SpatialPointsFrame, row-oriented line storage, dask trimesh support), `jsignell <>`_ (maintenance, website), and `jbednar <>`_ (Panel-based dashboard).

New features:

- Simplified `Panel <>`_ based `dashboard <>`_ using new Param features; now only 48 lines with fewer new concepts (`#707 <>`_)
- Added pandas ExtensionArray and Dask support for storing homogeneous ragged arrays (`687 <>`_)
- Added SpatialPointsFrame and updated census, osm-1billion, and osm examples to use it (`702 <>`_, `#706 <>`_, `#708 <>`_)
- Expanded 8_Geography.ipynb to document other geo-related functions
- Added Dask support for trimesh rendering, though computing the mesh initially still requires vertices and simplicies to fit into memory (`696 <>`_)
- Add zero-copy rendering of row-oriented line coordinates, using a new axis argument (`694 <>`_)

Bugfixes and compatibility:

- Added lnglat_to_meters to geo module; new code should import it from there (`708 <>`_)



This release includes major contributions from `jonmmease <>`_ (fixing several long-standing bugs), `jlstevens <>`_ (updating all example notebooks to use current syntax, `#685 <>`_), `jbednar <>`_, `philippjfr <>`_, and `jsignell <>`_ (`Panel <https://panel/>`_-based dashboard), and `brendancol <>`_ (geo utilities).

New features:

* Replaced outdated 536-line Bokeh ` <>`_ with 71-line Panel+HoloViews `dashboard <>`_ (`#676 <>`_)
* Allow aggregating xarray objects (in addition to Pandas and Dask DataFrames) (`675 <>`_)
* Create WMTS tiles from Datashader data (`636 <>`_)
* Added various `geographic utility functions <>`_ (ndvi, slope, aspect, hillshade, mean, bump map, Perlin noise) (`#661 <>`_)
* Made OpenSky data public (`691 <>`_)

Bugfixes and compatibility:

* Fix array bounds error on line glyph (`683 <>`_)
* Fixed the span argument to tf.shade (`680 <>`_)
* Fixed composite.add (for use in spreading) to clip colors rather than overflow (`689 <>`_)
* Fixed gerrymandering shape file (`688 <>`_)
* Updated to match Bokeh (`656 <>`_), Dask (`#681 <>`_, `#667 <>`_), Pandas/Numpy (`#697 <>`_)

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