
Latest version: v3.0.19

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2007-07-18 Todd Valentic

- Added modifyMessage() in ArchiveGroups component. This lets
a derived class have access to the message body prior to
processing. A common use is to inject the time headers.

- Added listFiles() and write flag to saveFiles() in NewsTool


2007-07-14 Todd Valentic

- Scheduler component offset time was computed the wrong way.

2007-04-14 Todd Valentic

- Set allow_none=True in DirectoryMixin connect() method.
- Only print log entry lines in viewlog at start up.
- Fixed crasher in newsPollers with catchup.reset


2007-03-17 Todd Valentic

- Added ability to read config files in the directory.
- Use os.path.sep

2007-03-11 Todd Valentic

- Added ident() and introspection methods to TransportServer.
- Fixed console bug


2007-02-05 Todd Valentic

- Added catchup.reset to NewsPollMixin

2006-11-20 Todd Valentic

- Added running property to Scheduler. Probably the wrong
place to add this. Should it be part of ConfigComponent?

2006-10-26 Todd Valentic

- Added currentTime() and utc to ProcessClient
and AccessMixin

2006-10-25 Todd Valentic

- Added sleep parameter to ProcessClient.wait().

2006-10-20 Todd Valentic

- Only print connection message in DirectoryMixin
if waiting for service to start.

2006-10-14 Todd Valentic


- Make headers parameter to* methods
a dictionary instead of a list.

2006-10-05 Todd Valentic

- Added validMessage() to RealTimeFeed

2006-09-30 Todd Valentic

- Fixed timegap reporting but in ArchiveGroups
when maxMessages=1.

2006-09-15 Todd Valentic

- Add check in TransportServer expire() for quicker
shutdown (don't wait in missing processes).

- Make wait optional in DirectoryMixin connect().

2006-07-27 Todd Valentic

- Import both rrdtool and rrdtoolmodule.

2006-07-18 Todd Valentic

- Added saveHandler in ArchiveGroups to abstract out
the actual saving of files. This method can be
overridden in an inherited class to provide for
different methods of saving files (i.e. writing
to an HDF5 file format).

- Remove timestamp from subject line in news postings

- Extra headers were not being applied in postText

- Catch exceptions in XMLRPCServerMixin

2006-07-07 Todd Valentic

- Add automatic dependency ordering to DirectoryMixin
connect() method.

2006-06-14 Todd Valentic

- Use directory service to look up label description
for the ident() method in XMLRPCServerMixin.

2006-06-01 Todd Valentic

- Added bin/tc and bin/console programs

2006-05-31 Todd Valentic

- Added newsserver.port option to NewsPollMixin config.

2006-05-09 Todd Valentic

- Added XMLRPCServerMixin and DirectoryServices

2006-04-20 Todd Valentic

- Modify to create var and log files, plus set
the mode of groups to include g+s and g+w

2006-02-09 Todd Valentic

- Added AccessMixin

2006-02-07 Todd Valentic

- Make sure that NewsTool.messageDate always returns a datetime
object with a timezone. Default to UTC if it doesn't have one.

2006-02-03 Todd Valentic
- Moved log files and working directories out of the group.home
space and into $TOP/log and $TOP/var. This is to keep the files that
are generated locally at run time separate from the group
configuration. That way when you want to work on a group and
back it up or install it, you just need to group the config
directory and don't have to manually clean out the files.

- Moved the server config (transportd.conf) into $TOP/etc

- Added support/migratedirs to help in migrating existing sites.

2006-02-02 Todd Valentic
- PlotTool now creates output path if needed

2006-01-18 Todd Valentic
- Code cleanup in Components/GroupControl
- Added exit() method to ProcessClient

2005-12-21 Todd Valentic
- Catch up messages in NewsPoller if the lastid is less then
the first available message.
- Fixed bug in NewsPoller in the case the server was not ready.

2005-11-30 Todd Valentic
- Show configuration files in ProcessGroup and Client debug logs.

2005-11-12 Todd Valentic
- Pass through keywords for get() methods in ProcessClient.

2005-11-08 Todd Valentic
- Modified viewlog to only sort on timestamps. This should
keep the lines in order (except for lines without times).

- Modified TransportServer to only return groups with clients
in the listgroups() method. This change will filter out the
directories that only have groups in them.

- Fixed install scripts for ServerMonitor cgi-bin images.

2005-10-16 Todd Valentic
- Fixed bug in ArchiveGroups for time span/maxMessages.

2005-09-20 Todd Valentic
- Added small extra delay in ProcessClient.wait() to make
sure that we really are at the expected time.

2005-08-12 Todd Valentic
- Modified ArchiveGroups to use maxMessages in time spans.

2005-07-29 Todd Valentic
- Modify NewsPollMixin to support wild cards in group names
- Cleanup listGroups() in NewsTool

2005-06-22 Todd Valentic
- Modified default PATH to be /usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin
- Fixed log display for ServerMonitor

2005-06-15 Todd Valentic

- Extended Util.PatternTemplate to handle dictionaries
- Fixed bug in NewsPoller (processPast)
- Added headers to pattern templates in ArchiveGroups
- Added options() to ConfigComponent

2005-05-11 Todd Valentic

- Added the SyncPoller component
- Modified methods in NewsTool and NewsPollMixin to
support the ability to extract messages (used by SyncPoller)
- Added ability to set news server port in NewsTool

2005-04-19 Todd Valentic

- Added Scheduler component

2005-04-17 Todd Valentic

- Added put() to ProcessClient so clients can add
parameters to their configuration space.
- Added corresponding put() method to ConfigComponent.

2005-04-10 Todd Valentic

- Added isRunning and isStopped methods to ProcessClient

2005-04-07 Todd Valentic

- Added 'DD days, HH:MM:SS' for getDeltaTime formats.
- Added parse_deltatime method in Util.datefunc.

2004-07-26 Todd Valentic

- Cleared environment in runprocess to match the one seen
when actually running as a transport process.

- Use configured username instead of default 'transport' in

- Set HOME in TransportServer to be path.base

2004-07-15 Todd Valentic

- Added new TimePlot component - uses postgresql and numarray
- Added TimeBins to Util (used in TimePlot)

2004-04-04 Todd Valentic

- Removed code to figure out the hostname in and
just use the ac_hostname variable which is already defined.

2004-02-26 Todd Valentic

- Modified's saveFiles
method to handle non-multipart

2004-02-10 Todd Valentic

- Added new ServerMonitor web interface.
Still needs to be cleaned up, don't
know if I like the tabs, but much
better then before!

- New ResourceMonitor component for
watching server resources like memory,
load and disk usage.

- Added ResourceMonitor client to the
ServerMonitor process group.

- Added check in PostDataFiles to avoid
compressing file if already compressed.

- Added max file size check to PostDataFiles.

2004-02-08 Todd Valentic

- Use DeltaTime in ServerMonitor programs and

- Cleaned up unused imports in TransportClient
and ProcessClient

2004-02-01 Todd Valentic

- Added the ConfigComponent module and
the getComponents to ConfigMixin to
support generalized loading of
components in config files.

- Added package to Utils

- Added

2003-08-28 Todd Valentic

- Changed install script to not recursively
set the ownership of the group directory.
Some groups (usually for CGI scripts) set
certain directories to other users and
these were being reset during install.

- Added "autostart" option to ./configure
to allow for setting of the initial
autostart value in the transportd.conf
file. This is useful for the test setups.

2003-08-24 Todd Valentic

- Improved image name selection in WatchURL
by adding an exclude list and picking up
names in anchor tags.

- Changed PlotTool to use the newer pyrrdtool.

2003-08-21 Todd Valentic

- Fixed bug in ArchiveGroups - when files were
opened for saving, they weren't closed before
the callback function was called.

- Fixed bug in NewsTool - wasn't handling news
groups list properly in processPast.

- ArchiveGroups now takes a DeltaTime object
for pollrate.

- ArchiveGroups now has option to not overwrite
output file if it already exists.

2003-08-14 Todd Valentic

- Created ConfigMixin to hold high level get*
methods for config files. These are often
used in non-ProcessClient derived classes.

2003-08-11 Todd Valentic

- Refined PlotTool
- Added multiple newgroup polling to NewsPollMixin

2003-07-22 Todd Valentic

- Added PlotTool class and plottool component

2003-07-01 Todd Valentic

- Cleaned up ArchiveGroups
- Made the default umask a config paramter
- Changed the default umask to 0002 from 0
which caused the directories to be created
rwx for all.

2003-06-29 Todd Valentic

- Fix tools/ to install rebuilddatabase
- Updates to ProcessClient and NewsTool
- Major change to NewsTool.NewsPoller - simplified
the callback interface to be only one function.
Removed the three processXXXX versions. This has
the unfortunate consquence that most polling
clients need to be updated!
- Updated files in doc (examples,python10) to new
NewsPoller interface
- Split components/RealTimeFeed into wrapper and
object like all the other components

2003-06-20 Todd Valentic

- Added createDeltaTime to ProcessClient
- ProcessClient.wait() can now accept DeltaDateTime.
- Added callbacks to determine date in PostDataFiles.

2003-06-11 Todd Valentic

- Added generic callback mechanism to ProcessClient.
- Added callback to ArchiveGroups.
- Converted InstrumentStatus callback to new scheme.
- Fixed compression detect bug in ArchiveGroups.
- Use email module for unpacking messages.
- Fixed a bug in realtimefeed which prevented relaying.

2003-05-15 Todd Valentic

- Added to Transport.Util

2003-05-11 Todd Valentic

- Added callback plugins to InstrumentStatus. You
now write an external function and have it called
each time the instrument status is checked.

2003-04-30 Todd Valentic

- Renamed init.d config scripts in support directory
to the actual names (transpotrd.init -> transportd
and omniORB.init -> omniORB).

- transportd was not being installed. fixed.

- omniORB init script now configured with omniORB
path if specified.

- added check for innd path in configure.

2003-04-15 Todd Valentic

- Major cleanup of NewsTool.

- Removed a bunch of old, unused code:

- Util.hostname

- Added X-Transport-Date header to messages that specify
a date to NewsPoster posting methods.

2003-02-15 Todd Valentic

- Added transportps to make it easy to list the running
transport processes.

- Improved catchup behaviour of NewsPoller. You can now
request the last few articels to start off instead of
just marking everything as read.

2003-02-06 Todd Valentic

- Added a return value to wait() in ProcessClient. The
return is 0 or 1 indicating if the client is still
running. We can now write the main loop like:

while self.wait(rate):
... do something ...

This construct assumes we want the wait to happen first.
Otherwise we would use a do..repeat like structure:

while self.running:
if not self.wait(rate):

2002-12-18 Todd Valentic

- Added a signal handler in TransportServer to ignore
SIGCHLD signals. This prevents zombie (defunct)
processes from hanging around after a program in a
process group has been stopped. This became a problem
after the change to spawnev() instead of system() for
starting child programs.

- Fixed filewatch to handle failed connections to the
news server during posting. It had been dying when
the load level was high and the news server throttled.
The other components should be examined for similar

- Changed the config file options for filewatch to be
more consistent (watch.*)

2002-08-28 Todd Valentic

- Modified build/install system to use GNU autoconf.
Also added the ability to do parallel installs so
different versions could be run along side each

- Changed sri.transport -> Transport (necessary for
the parallel install concept). The true path is
bootstrapped in the file.

- The Transport package is now local to the install
directory instead of the system's python path.

- Dropped the .py ending for the base components to
make them appear more as standalone programs: -> archivegroups. -> filestore -> filewatch -> groupcontrol -> postdatafiles ->

- Reorganized directory layout of package.

- Made a default, stripped down ServerMonitor group.
Removed maillist, link tests and group control.
The instrument monitoring will go into a separate group.

- Removed web user functions from transportclt.

- With the transition to python2 we don't need to have a
local ConfigParser to fix the old bugs. Now use the
standard library version.

- Updated all the group files to match the new scheme.
Expect some problems during the transition, so watch
the logs closely.

- Removed the ServerMonitor from most groups since it
is part of the default install. The piece missing
was the old SystemMonitor, which has now been replaced
with InstrumentMonitor.

- Bug fixes to ArchiveGroups.

2002-03-22 Todd Valentic

- Changed the internals of NewsPollMixin. It now adds
a method to the class: createNewsPoller() that can
be used as a factory to create NewsPoller objects.

2002-03-04 Todd Valentic

- Added group.dirname to the base config file. This param
compliments the group.basename and is useful in deeply
layered process groups.

- Reorganized code in anticipation of trying to use distutils
for installation and distribution. This experiment will
be ongoing, so for now the old script remains
the primary means of installing the files.

2002-01-24 Todd Valentic

- Major cleanup of the NewsPollMixin and NewsPostMixin.
The change having the largest impact deals with the
renaming of a number of configuration parameters. Until
now, the parameters were a combination of styles. They
are now grouped under poll.* and post.* (and the prefix
can be user setable).

- Moved the groups directory entirely out of the core
transport distribution. I'll probably add back in a
minimal server monitor group once that has been rewritten
to be less site-specific.

- Renamed the NewsTool.NewsPoller processFunc() to be
processFiles() to reflect that it deals with file

2002-01-23 Todd Valentic

- Basic signal handling has been added to ProcessClient.
We catch TERM,INT,HUP to nicely shutdown client programs.
The same idiom was showing up in a number of clients, so
it makes more sense to move this behaviour up to the base

- Added a traceback printing method for dumping errors to the
log. This routine will not only help in interpreting bugs
but lessen the need to have special "debug" code paths.

- Fixed some things in ArchiveGroups. The call to makedirs
needed to check if the path first existed and the signal
handling routines were removed since ProcessClient now
provides them.

2002-01-22 Todd Valentic

- Found long-standing problem with supplemental groups.
The daemon option of transportd was not setting the
groups, they were being inherited by what ever user
was initially setting up the environment. We should
be using os.setgroups() to get the supplemental group
list, but this call is not available in python < 2.2.
The work around is to use the rc.transportd setup
script to start transportd as the transport user.
Once we require python 2.2, I'll go back to the older
method and properly call setgroup().

- Changed the way ArchiveGroups creates its output files.
You used to be able to give specifiy the group. Now,
I use the user private groups and sgid bit to control
access to the files and have removed excess code.

2002-01-14 Todd Valentic

- Added summary report to ArchiveGroups.

- Consolidated the external python libraries (sri-*,pytav)
into single sri-base plus extensions for the different
data types (muscox,cedar,medac).

- Fixed bug in addgroup (NewsTools -> NewsTool).

2001-12-10 Todd Valentic

- Changed the installgroup script to take a second argument
designating the destination directory prefix. You can now
install from a "versioned" directory like "cu-1.0.4" into
the base group "cu". This script is still just a quick hack
and needs to be fleshed out for the future.

- Moved the cedar and muscox python packages out of this
package and into their own since they are not really
transport related and specific to the Sondrestrom radar

- Improved signal handling and exit when ProcessClient.abort()
is called. Made self.running a data member of ProcessClient.

- Added uncompress ability to ArchiveGroups for automatically
decompress files when they are written to the archive.

2001-12-03 Todd Valentic

- Fixed a bug in ArchiveGroups that keeps it from saving multipart
messages (introduced on 11-28 with change for text bodies). The
real change was to fix in sri/transport to handle
the saving of text messages.

2001-12-02 Todd Valentic

- Changed the start/stop level of the transportd init.d script.
In the newer versions of redhat, it was being started before
innd, causing the process groups no end of grief. We now start
at 99, right at the end.

2001-11-28 Todd Valentic

- Added date field to subject line in postText() method of NewsTool.
- Fixed NewsTool import in addgroup, rmgroup and cancelgroup scripts.
- Fixed to handle plain text (non-MIME) messages.

2001-11-13 Todd Valentic

- Added debug mode to FitScan

- Moved python functions to sri.transport (we now
only have one spot for files).

2001-10-23 Todd Valentic

- Rewrote ArchiveGroups to act as a general storage tool and
consolidate a number of scripts that all did similar things.

- Fixed bug in transportctl when chaning parameters for a user
with the "user set" methods. The parameters were being reset
to the default values each time.

- Added the notion of user roles to PageKit and the user database.

2001-08-31 Todd Valentic

- Changed the way client programs are searched for when started
by ProcessGroup. Previously, the group appended the group's
home directory and anything defined by environ.path in the
config file to os.environ['PATH']. The problem is that each
ProcessGroup object still lives in the single TransportServer
process and they all ended up modifying the *same* PATH. When
you printed it out, it just kept getting longer and longer. It
also meant that groups would pick up executables from other
groups (often leading to problems if two groups had a similarly
named executable). The new method just declares a list of paths
to search and the executable is explicitly searched for. The
default path is /usr/bin, /bin, the group's home and then transport
server's bin (/home/transport/bin). Anything specified by the
environ.path config file entry is inserted after /bin and before
the group bin.

2001-08-29 Todd Valentic

- Major changes to the way groups are installed. Groups can now
live in a heirarchy (arbitrarily deep). Each directory along
the path to the group can have it's own config file. Doing so
let's us finally move items out of the global config that are
really site specific.

- Changed the IDL spec to allow for a list of config files instead
of the global/local/host model used before.

- When you use transportctl with groups, you need to give the full
path for the group (ie ProcessDefault -> sri/ProcessDefault).

- I gutted the complicated routines used by each group.
Now the top level install script simply copies the entire groups
directory up to /home/transport. Just create the layout that you
want locally and that is what will show up in the final install.

- The group directory changed from /home/transport/group to
/home/transport/groups. All of the tools were fixed to handle
this change.

- The web cgi scripts were modified to handle the changes.

- The file was modified to include setting the
PATH environment variable prior to spawing process client commands
(so it can tell where they are).

- and were modified to handle
the new changes.

- The script is depricated and will go away shortly.

- The naming of the config files used to be set in the global
config file. This has changed to a fixed format of <group>.conf
as was done in practice.

2001-08-11 Todd Valentic

- Created summit/WeatherStation procress group to gather weather
and webcam images at the Greenland Summit Camp.

- Started to fixup so that it better catches errors
during failures. Right now most of the os.system() call returns
are left unchecked and problems can silently slip by.

- Seems to be an odd problem that groups can see scripts in other
groups. I'm not sure how this is possible, but filestore is
accessible by non-FileStore client programs (this is actually
a desirable behavior and one I want to add, but in a controlled

2001-08-08 Todd Valentic

- Removed extra call to create groups in This
was outside of the try...except block and was responsible for
causing the server to crash on startup with a bad group was
encountered. This extra call was there from an earlier debugging
session and never removed. Opps.

- Updated the INSTALL file to reflect the changes needed for the
latest version of inn (2.3). A number of configuration files
are different and some extra steps are needed to get things
running. The changes are definitely for the better and allow
for finer control of who can post.

2001-08-07 Todd Valentic

- Fixed a syntax errors in FileStore/ (NULL -> None).
I think I had started upgrading this file and then stopped.
Need to look closer to make sure it really still works.

- Updated ArchiveISR/ to have better error checking
and try to use library functions for directory creation instead
of shelling out with os.system() all the time. This let's us have
a better indication of when things fail and why.

2001-02-19 Todd Valentic

- Renamed LinkBandwidth -> LinkThroughput in ServerMonitor.
This better reflects what is actually being estimated (the
time it takes to ftp a set-size file). I also incorporated
the BandwidthComputer object funcations directly and removed
the file from the python/transport section.
(I also removed a duplicate in the tav python library).
This change also required updating the ServerMonitor.conf
file. LinkThroughput utilizes the file, so
be sure to include it in the python path. I put it in

You can find the file at:

2001-02-15 Todd Valentic

- Continued to add support for South Pole
o created

- Fixed long standing problem in omninames rc startup script
Compound statment lines in bash needd a trailing ;
This used to work, but broke with RedHat 7.

2001-02-05 Todd Valentic

- Added support for the South Pole installation:

2000-11-16 Todd Valentic

- Added lidar archiving to ArchiveISR. This is only a temporary
addition. I'll soon create a separate AchiveLidar group to
handle the storage and post-processing checks.

- Changed to group-name pattern matching in to use
the fnmatch module instead of regular-expressions. The filename
matching style is what I was really after in the first place.

2000-10-26 Todd Valentic

- Added reportStart capability to This compliments
reportStop which had been intended to alert people when an
instrument had failed. It can now be used to notify people when
a specific instrument turns on or off.

- Added matching rules to This allows you to store
files into different directories for files in a single newsgroup.

- Added AllskyImager-Web to FileStore.conf-transport for storing
real-time imager files for web page.

- Created groups/sri/ArchiveISR and

2000-10-24 Todd Valentic

- Added notify messages to ProcessAllsky group.
- Retooled to accept parameters in message files. This means
that all the notify.start and notify.stop messages were touched.
- Renamed the following directories in groups:

groups/processing -> groups/sri
groups/boulder -> groups/cu

to better reflect that they are SRI and CU related processing.

- Moved into the base/general/bin so that it can be
used by other process groups as a general service.

- Removed groups/base/FileStore/'s depedance on the
DateTime module. It now uses the standard time module instead.

- Changed the format of the output filename written by
The user now has complete control of the naming convention.

2000-09-25 Todd Valentic

- Added sondrestrom.allsky to groups in transportd.conf.

- Fixed bug in transportctl - needed to import TransportModule.

- Added getartice tool to system/transport. Use this script to extract
an article from a newsgroup and unpack the files. I use this when
testing new processing routines and need to see the access posted files.

2000-09-24 Todd Valentic

- Added the ProcessWorldDayLTCS group to the ISR processing groups
for the LTCS World Day campaigns (its a three-position, three minute
dwell mode).

- Fixed the gicwind.rps file in ProcessWorldDayWindy group. It was
looking for *.dt1 files (need to always look for *.mrg, even if
merging isn't being done).

- Fixed problem with transportctl's "reload server" command (was
failing because of an extra parameter. See transportctl for details).

2000-09-14 Todd Valentic

- ProcessCME was sending data to the oersted newsgroups. Not a
problem, just caused the notification messages to appear that
they were coming from an Oersted run. Fixed the .conf file to
use *.cme.* groups.

2000-08-08 Todd Valentic

- Fixed ServerMonitor config files for specific sites. I had
forgotten to add the maillist group, so the default was being
used instead.

- Fixed some small problems with transportctl. It would bomb out
it you didn't include all the necessary command line parameters
for some options.

- Fixed bug in system/web/cgi-bin/ that kept
the log from being printed out.

- Fixed bug in system/web/cgi-bin/ that kept the
panel from showing up if no maillist groups were available.

- The install script was not correctly patching the PATHCGI setting
in transportd.conf.

2000-07-20 Todd Valentic

- Added command line options for the script.

2000-07-14 Todd Valentic

- Added the webcam poster to Boulder's CatchAddress processing group.

- Added the ProcessCME-CJH group for Sondrestrom ISR processing of
CME events based on Craig Heinselman's new mode.

- Fixed problem with umimmak's config file for RealTimeFeed (the dt0
newgroup poll/post were reversed).

2000-07-01 Todd Valentic

- Updated the path in system/omniorb/omninames to point to the
latest omniORB bin (i586_linux_2.0_glibc2.1). This is for a
RedHat 6.x system.

- Made some changes to the INSTALL notes.

- Added platteville, boulder and default to the transportd.conf file.

- Added platteville and boulder to site names in (only
a temporary kludge for now!)

- was not accessable to the cgi scripts. Moved back into
the cgi directory instead of sri.transport.

- Added platteville config files to base groups.

- The LinkBandwidth and LinkPlot programs in ServerMonitor should
not be started in a default configuration (the currently are).
Need to add some method of controlling which process group programs
are automatically started.

- Added webdir to install.conf.

- Patched web/html/startpage.shtml to point to webdir.

- Make ServerMonitor/ and wait before
making tables so that the transport server can come up fully. The
initial tables were reporting problems that weren't really true.

2000-06-21 Todd Valentic

- Reorganized the code directories. All of the processing groups now
live under "groups" and are split into the base components and the
SRI processing groups. The python scripts have moved into the python
directory. The system components, including the web interface, now
live in system.

- All of the components now use a python-based installer to install
their files. This approach allows for a common configuration file
to be used and hopefully everything should be retargetable to a
directory of your choice. There are still somethings that aren't
in there yet like the location of apache and ominORB.

- The configuration files for process groups were changed slightly.
There is now a host-specific configuration file that gets loaded
last (after the global transportd.conf and then the process group
config file). This allows most of the defaults for process group
to be combined into a single file and the specifics for different
sites to remain in the host config file. I'm still completely
happy with this approach because it means the standard distribution
is still littered with SRI-specific config files. I'm justifying
it right now by saying those specific files serve as examples
(and the only documentation of real-world use!)

- Started development website at

2000-04-22 Todd Valentic

- Updated the spasms binaries to the latest release from Carol. The
only change that should impact us is the new acportgm program. New
fields were added to satisfy the request from the SuperDarn folks.
The new fields shouldn't impact anyone properly accessing the CEDAR

- Changed the CORBA ORB from Fnorb to omniORB. This for a couple of

o omniORB is a much more complete ORB (full POA, more services, etc)
o omniORB has C++ bindings in addition to Python
o omniORB is high performance
o Fnorb was leaking memory
o omniORB is actively developed; Fnorb seems to be dying away
o omniORB is GPL; Fnorb is proprietary
o omniORB is fully threaded; Fnorb had thread problems

The changes were minimal, and more pertained to the change from
using the BOA to the POA. Still need to do some stress testing,
especially since we are going threaded (I had kicked Fnorb back
into reactive mode).

- Added ProcessIris to accomodate the IRIS imager/magnetometer/riometer
instrument. This also led to a cleanup of the data center posting

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