- New functions added to Model module (
- compare_models() - Find the best classification model and hyper-parameters for a dataset.
- create_nn_binary() - Create a binary classification neural network model.
- create_nn_multi() - Create a multi-class classification neural network model.
- eval_model() - Produce a detailed evaluation report for a classification model.
- plot_acf_residuals() - Plot residuals, histogram, ACF, and PACF of a time series ARIMA model.
- plot_train_history() - Plot the training and validation history of a fitted Keras model.
- New functions added to Explore module (
- plot_scatt() - Create a scatter plot using Seaborn's scatterplot function.
- print_ascii_image() - Print an ASCII image from one or more tensors.
- New functions added to Tools module (
- DebugPrinter - Conditionally print debugging information during the execution of a script.
- model_summary() - Create a DataFrame summary of a Keras model's architecture and parameters.
- Package configuration
- - Support for Python 3.9 - 3.12, modified requirements, separate [doc] and [test] tags.
- Because Cartopy does not support Python 3.8, and that's a dependency for `plot_map_ca`, 3.8 is not supported.
- Additional dependencies and updated minimum versions: importlib_resources, scikeras, xgboost, imbalanced-learn, tensorflow, keras, pytorch. See [requirements.txt](requirements.txt) for the full list
- Explore module (
- plot_map_ca - Detect Python version. To get path to package 'data' directory that stores map files, use importlib.resources for >= 3.10, otherwise importlib_resources
- Model module (
- eval_model() - Changed logic for handling class labels/display names to now use class_map dictionary. Bug fixes.
- iterate_model() - Added ability to do Random Grid Search.
- plot_results() - Added ability to switch from line chart to bar chart.
- Issue with KerasClassifier calling OneHotEncoder with the 'sparse' parameter solved in SciKeras 0.13.0
- Minor bug fixes and changes for compatibility with library updates
- Updated documentation and User Guide notebook