- Include zope.security zcml instead of defining the zope.ManageContent permission ourselves. [maurits]
- Plone 4.3 compatibility. [regebro]
- CSS fixes, and template cleanup. [regebro]
This version was tested with Plone 4.0.10, 4.1.6, 4.2.5 and 4.3.
- The views are now normal views for Plone Folderish things. This is so we can get rid of p4a.subtyper dependencies p4a.plonecalendar. This means dateable.chronos now is dependant on Plone, but afaik it's only used in Plone anyway. [regebro]
- Got rid of version.txt and MANIFEST.in [regebro]
Not secure
- include also doc/ with distribution (added in MANIFEST.in) [iElectric]
Not secure
- include version.txt with distribution (added MANIFEST.in) [iElectric]
Not secure
- fix AttributeError in base_view.py [iElectric]
- Do not (silently) depent on p4a.common, but have the required timezone code bit locally [miohtama]
- make views subclass Products.Five.browser.BrowserView so that their templates can be customized through portal_view_customizations [swampmonkey]
- Fixed a XSS vulnerability in the get_view_day method [keul]