
Latest version: v0.8.3

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Bug fixes:
* Fix memory leak due to calling `engine.load_graph` with an invalid argument.
* Fix semaphore leak? (https://github.com/DBraun/DawDreamer/issues/146)

* AddProcessor will throw a runtime error if the most recently specified gain levels don't work for the given audio buffer (such as 3 gain values for 2 stereo tracks)


Bug fixes:
* PlaybackWarp Processor now outputs zeros rather than junk values after the playhead has passed the processor's clips, as determined by `.set_clip_positions(clip_positions)`

* Python 3.11 builds of DawDreamer are available
* JUCE has been updated to 7.0.5


Three new exciting notebooks to try with DawDreamer [0.6.14](https://pypi.org/project/dawdreamer).

* [Box API](https://github.com/DBraun/DawDreamer/tree/main/examples/Box_API): Access the intermediate representation of Faust, programmatically compose boxes, then render audio with DawDreamer, or transpile to a target language (C++, JAX, Rust, etc.).
* [Faust to JAX](https://github.com/DBraun/DawDreamer/tree/main/examples/Faust_to_JAX): Convert Faust to JAX and optimize parameters using gradient descent.
* [Faust to QDax](https://github.com/DBraun/DawDreamer/tree/main/examples/Faust_to_QDax): Convert Faust to JAX and train with Quality-Diversity algorithms.


Same as 0.6.11 but with support for Apple Silicon.


* No breaking changes, hopefully just better VST support. Please try and report.
* Fix possible MIDI memory issue.
* Add the Faust [Box](https://faustdoc.grame.fr/tutorials/box-api/) and [Signal](https://faustdoc.grame.fr/tutorials/signal-api/) APIs. Check out `tests/test_libfaust*.py`) if you're interested! There will be a tutorial eventually.


* New feature to fetch automation as audio-rate data. Use `processor.record_automation = True` and `processor.get_automation()` to get a dictionary.
* New feature to save MIDI `processor.save_midi("path/to/my_output.mid")`. Use it after rendering.
* Upgrade to **JUCE 7**, enabling **LV2** plugins, although not tested
* Bug fix related to MIDI timing when`beats=True`. This only mattered significantly if the buffer size was large.
* Bug fixes related to VST3 parameters (ignore parameters which aren't automatable or have empty "" name)
* Performance optimization for FaustProcessor and PluginProcessor parameters which aren't automated (they're constant)
* Git repository no longer includes JUCE_6/JUCE_7 because it's just included in `JuceLibraryCode`

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