[issue 31: missing log page (41)](https://github.com/al-niessner/DAWGIE/commit/863540932f20eef6b2eaf2a5d149254ebb27f83f)
*Author*: al-niessner
*Date*: Wed, 21 Aug 2019 12:24:43 -0700
* update logging
move dawgie.pl.logger.fe from building a complex JSON object using logging.Formatter to building a string using ;\n; as the delimiter between elements. Tests in a notebook show this should work but no test exists for it currently. Will have to test it in a live pipeline at a later date.
updated dawgie.fe.app to convert the now [{}] returned by dawgie.pl.logger.fe.remembered() to a JSON object using json.dumps(). This should prevent further problems with the object being invalid in the future.
[Verifiying the display order matches the order from the json. I was reverse ordering the logs, but no longer. (40)](https://github.com/al-niessner/DAWGIE/commit/bd95f4fd97264eb2df0735ff53e3ac40cf4d1d1a)
*Author*: Jacob Llamas
*Date*: Tue, 20 Aug 2019 16:30:14 -0700
Updated the logs function to show new entries at the top instead of the bottom.
[Issue 36 QoL update (39)](https://github.com/al-niessner/DAWGIE/commit/925ea1d11b2ef6168f89ff46cc23b3b2df0fd64d)
*Author*: Jacob Llamas
*Date*: Tue, 20 Aug 2019 14:55:15 -0700
* Fixing a bug where filtering was not working for State Vector searches.
* Hiding header rows on SV searches when filtering.
Updating site config to not flash {{tag_names}} before replacing them with content.
* Fixing a js bug in branding, when an element does not exist.
[Fixing a bug where filtering was not working for State Vector searches. (38)](https://github.com/al-niessner/DAWGIE/commit/60a67b7c138484874423f7d5577f59740c4caa07)
*Author*: Jacob Llamas
*Date*: Tue, 20 Aug 2019 08:47:49 -0700
[Issue 29: filter defaults (34)](https://github.com/al-niessner/DAWGIE/commit/adcf02c7814585547bf127a6621487c4439c7e33)
*Author*: al-niessner
*Date*: Wed, 7 Aug 2019 16:11:58 -0700
* non-sequitur changes
Added some logging to help understand why navel gazing is taking so long. They were needed to debug the private pipeline to the point were this issue could be tested.
* Improper handling of object or string
dawgie.fe.app.search_filter_{a,d,u}() were not uniformly handling the type of the object. Some parts treated it as a dictionary others a string. Made it a dictionary consistently until it is turned to JSON at the return.
[Issue 20: correct substring (33)](https://github.com/al-niessner/DAWGIE/commit/256ed2ec90f5e882bb3f173cfab8781ce2763621)
*Author*: al-niessner
*Date*: Tue, 6 Aug 2019 17:13:27 -0700
* new requirements becuase actual deploy is done via PyPI now but local tools like .ci/exercise_01.sh still require the docker image
* since the targets are sorted, ignore the __all__
[Issue 27: expand compliant checks (28)](https://github.com/al-niessner/DAWGIE/commit/99787da02ab222853b8b4f28a2fbf6a92e79cce9)
*Author*: al-niessner
*Date*: Fri, 2 Aug 2019 12:56:37 -0700
* add rule 9: no state vectors
First, add the rule_09() to tools/compliant.py. It simply runs through the factories and makes sure that all units return an non-zero length array.
Second, add a negative test to Test/test_08.py along with a bad AE (bae). Since there is a positive test already to verify Test/ae will work, the negative test will verify that rule 9 is coded correctly.
Lastly, using the test with the bae correct the code and test until it all works.
* non sequitour change
Updated dawgie.tools.dag to have a verbose switch. That is when it was discovered that state_vectors() must not be zero length to get added to the dag. Still, these changes would be nice to expand upon in the future so keeping them here.