* Added `db.doc_table()` and `db.doc_tables()` function to help build documentation for table
objects in a way that is reminiscent of Swagger / OpenApi.
For example, here is the output in JSON format using the approach that
OpenApi takes. In fact, there are some differences. These differences
stem from the more nuanced approach that SQLAlchemy takes for things like
defaults. For example, server side defaults are specified. Also, on update functions are detailed as well.
cls, the class
to_camel_case=False, convert column names to camel case
serial_list=None, select only specific columns
column_props=None select only certain column properties
Some uses for this function:
* Detail on the tables can be part of a larger communication with
developers using an API.
* Meta information can be resourced about particular views.
* Unit / integration tests can use the output to ensure that table
columns are created to specifications.
Here is an example of some of the column types that are tested.
"SampleTable": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"id": {
"type": "integer",
"format": "int32",
"primary_key": true,
"nullable": true,
"comment": "Primary key with a value assigned by the database",
"info": {
"extra": "info here"
"name1": {
"type": "string",
"maxLength": 50,
"nullable": false,
"comment": "This field is required",
"info": {}
"indexValue": {
"type": "integer",
"format": "int32",
"nullable": true,
"server_default": {
"for_update": false,
"arg": "db.text(\"0\")",
"reflected": false
"comment": "This field defaults to an integer on the server.",
"info": {}
"createdAt1": {
"type": "date-time",
"nullable": true,
"default": {
"for_update": false,
"arg": ""
"comment": "This field defaults to now, created at model level",
"info": {}
"updateTime1": {
"name": "update_time1",
"type": "date-time",
"nullable": true,
"onupdate": {
"for_update": true,
"arg": ""
"comment": "This field defaults only on updates",
"info": {}
"uniqueCol": {
"type": "string",
"maxLength": 20,
"nullable": true,
"unique": true,
"comment": "This must be a unique value in the database.",
"info": {}
"name2": {
"type": "string",
"maxLength": 50,
"nullable": true,
"comment": "This field is not required",
"info": {}
"fkId": {
"type": "integer",
"format": "int32",
"nullable": false,
"foreign_key": "",
"comment": "This field is constrained by a foreign key on another table",
"info": {}
"someSmallInt": {
"type": "integer",
"format": "int8",
"nullable": false,
"default": {
"for_update": false,
"arg": 0
"comment": "This field is a small integer",
"info": {}
"someInt": {
"type": "integer",
"format": "int32",
"nullable": false,
"default": {
"for_update": false,
"arg": 0
"comment": "This field is a 32 bit integer",
"info": {}
"today": {
"type": "date",
"nullable": true,
"default": {
"for_update": false,
"arg": ""
"doc": "this is a test",
"comment": "This field defaults to today, created at model level",
"info": {
"test": "this is"
"someBigInt": {
"name": "some_big_int",
"type": "integer",
"format": "int64",
"nullable": false,
"default": {
"for_update": false,
"arg": 0
"comment": "This field is a big integer",
"info": {}
"statusId": {
"type": "integer",
"format": "int32",
"choices": {
"0": "New",
"1": "Active",
"2": "Suspended",
"3": "Inactive"
"nullable": false,
"comment": "Choices from a list. String descriptors change to integer upon saving. Enums without the headache.",
"info": {}
"name3": {
"type": "text",
"nullable": false,
"default": {
"for_update": false,
"arg": "test"
"index": true,
"comment": "This field has a default value",
"info": {}
"itemLength": {
"type": "float",
"nullable": false,
"comment": "This field is a float value",
"info": {}
"abc": {
"type": "string",
"maxLength": 20,
"nullable": true,
"server_default": {
"for_update": false,
"arg": "abc",
"reflected": false
"comment": "This field defaults to text but on the server.",
"info": {}
"itemAmount": {
"name": "item_amount",
"type": "numeric(17, 6)",
"nullable": true,
"default": {
"for_update": false,
"arg": 0.0
"info": {}
"updateTime2": {
"type": "date-time",
"nullable": true,
"server_onupdate": {
"for_update": true,
"arg": "",
"reflected": false
"comment": "This field defaults only on updates, but on the server",
"info": {}
"createdAt2": {
"type": "date-time",
"nullable": true,
"server_default": {
"for_update": false,
"arg": "",
"reflected": false
"comment": "This field defaults to now, created at the server level",
"info": {}
"xml": "SampleTable"