DBSP_DRP version 0.9.0 is close to a stable, v1.0-ready product. However, the only instrument configuration supported in this release is 600/4000 on the blue side, 316/7500 on the red side, and the D55 dichroic. Future releases will expand instrument configuration support. Also, the red side CCD artifact that appeared in May 2020 is not reliably completely masked.
Key features:
- automatic association of arc frames taken on-sky with nearby science frames with the same pointing
- GUI to adjust red/blue flux levels and splicing
- final data output is target_*.fits, where the suffix is a single letter denoting the spatial index of the object/trace
- manual extraction GUIs
- `dbsp_show` plotting script to quickly inspect final data output
- `dbsp_adjust_splicing` to inspect and manually adjust splicing as needed for crowded fields and extended objects