- brings compatibility with dbt-core `v0.20.0`
Under the hood
- Fix a bug where snapshots on tables with non-indexable datatypes would throw the error `"The statement failed. Column 'XXXXX' has a data type that cannot participate in a columnstore index. (35343) (SQLExecDirectW)"` [56](https://github.com/dbt-msft/dbt-synapse/pull/56) thanks [MarvinSchenkel](https://github.com/MarvinSchenkel)
- 10+ `synapse__` macros no longer have to be defined as they're now auto-defined as part of the `v0.20.0` upgrade. Code footprint is now >37 lines smaller!
Under the hood
- fix bug introduced `v0.19.1` where the new macros in [dbt-sqlserver126](https://github.com/dbt-msft/dbt-sqlserver/pull/126) were still being used somehow
- no longer pin `agate<1.6.2` because it now done as part of [dbt 0.19.1](https://github.com/fishtown-analytics/dbt/releases/tag/v0.19.1)
Under the hood
- override new functionality in dbt-sqlserver [dbt-sqlserver 126](https://github.com/dbt-msft/dbt-sqlserver/pull/126) that allows for cross-database queries. Azure Synapse does not support this, so `sqlserver__` adapter macros that were previously used by dbt-synapse had to be re-implemented as `synapse__` macros. [#49](https://github.com/dbt-msft/dbt-synapse/pull/49)
- make CI testing auto-start and auto-pause Synapse cluster to save $$$ [47](https://github.com/dbt-msft/dbt-synapse/pull/47)
- Resolves bug where snapshot and seeds materializations weren't working correctly [45](https://github.com/dbt-msft/dbt-synapse/pull/45) thanks [alieus]
Under the hood
- `dbt-synapse` will allow all patches to `dbt-sqlserver` version 0.19
- Per issue with `pyICU` package ([fishtown-analytics/dbt/3161](https://github.com/fishtown-analytics/dbt/pull/3161)), temporarily pin agate to between `1.6.0` and `1.6.2`, inclusive, until `dbt` `0.19.1` is released.
- you must change your profile so that `type=synapse` instead of `type=sqlserver`. The reason is that now `dbt-synapse` now fully inheirits from `dbt-sqlserver` rather than being a fork. The benefit now is that you can have `dbt-sqlserver` and `dbt-synapse` coexist in the same environment.
New features:
- Brings support for
- dbt v0.19.0 ([release notes](https://github.com/fishtown-analytics/dbt/releases/tag/v0.19.0)) and