
Latest version: v8.16.2

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* Add ``opensearch_utils``, a forward-compatible OpenSearch client we should migrate to over time

* In ``codebuild_utils``:

* New method ``run_project_build_with_overrides`` to allow running builds changing the build branch and environment variables


Not secure

* In ``lang_utils``:

* New method EnglishUtils.parse_relative_time_string

* In ``misc_utils``:

* New function ``str_to_bool``


Not secure

* In ``misc_utils``:

* New decorator ``classproperty``

* New decorator ``classproperty_cached``

* New decorator ``classproperty_cached_each_subclass``

* New class ``Singleton``. Users of ``SingletonManager`` might prefer this,
but we'll continue to support both. (No deprecation for now.)

* In function ``is_valid_absolute_uri``, better handling of argument type errors.

* For ``CachedField``:

* Added a handler for ``__str__`` that returns useful information, which can also be used for ``__repr__``.

* Fixed handler for ``__repr__`` to return a properly executable expression (shared with ``__str__``).

* Improved test coverage by adding tests for some parts of the code that were not previously tested.

* In ``qa_utils``:

* New class ``MockId`` for mocking the ``id`` function in a predictable way.

* Adjust ``MOCK_QUEUE_URL_PREFIX`` to use a mocked URL that looks more
like modern AWS url, where ``queue.amazonaws.com`` has been replaced by


Not secure

`PR 224: ElasticSearch 7 <https://github.com/4dn-dcic/utils/pull/224>`_

* Updates ElasticSearch to version 7.13.4, the highest version we can tolerate
of this library. This utils version is a requirement for using ES7 or
OpenSearch 1.3 in production.


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`PR 223: Refactored recording tech <https://github.com/4dn-dcic/utils/pull/223>`_

* Refactor ``TestRecorder`` into an ``AbstractTestRecorder`` with two concrete classes,
``RequestsTestRecorder`` and ``AuthorizedRequestsTestRecorder``. The new refactor means
it'll be easier to write other subclasses.

The new classes take their arguments slightly differently, but all test cases are updated,
and this was previously broken in (so not used in) other repositories and it can't break
anything elsewhere to change the conventions. We're treating this as a simple bug fix.

* Deprecated unused class ``MockBoto4DNLegacyElasticBeanstalkClient``.


Not secure

`PR 222: Improved IntegratedFixture and static check cleanups <https://github.com/4dn-dcic/utils/pull/222>`_

* Show fewer uninteresting tracebacks on static test failures.

* Small incompatible changes to recently released qa-related items:

* In ``qa_checkers.confirm_no_uses``, remove the new ``if_used`` argument in favor of a simpler implementation.

* Slightly rerefactored the class hierarchy so that ``StaticChecker`` is a smaller class that doesn't have quite
as much functionality, and ``StaticSourcesChecker`` corresponds to what ``StaticChecker`` previously did.

Since this is all testing-only, not something used in production, and since there are believed to not yet be uses
outside the repo, we're treating this as a bug fix (patch version bump) not an incompatible change (which would
entail a major version bump and a lot of fussing for nothing).

* Make class initialization of ``IntegratedFixture`` happen at instance-creation time.
That simplifies the loading actions needed. Those can happen in ``conftest.py`` rather than in
``dcicutils.ff_mocks``, which in turn should allow ``dcicutils.ff_mocks`` to be imported without error,
fixing `C4-932 <https://hms-dbmi.atlassian.net/browse/C4-932>`_

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