
Latest version: v0.2.0

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This is the first release of `dcmqi` to accompany submission of an article about the library to the special issue of _Cancer Research_ journal dedicated to [ITCR](https://itcr.nci.nih.gov/).

This release is accompanied by the [documentation](https://qiicr.gitbooks.io/dcmqi-guide) and [introductory tutorials](http://qiicr.org/dcmqi-guide/tutorials/intro.html).

The following known issues are expected to become resolved in a patch release that will follow:
- 162: OS-specific packages of `dcmqi`
- 186: communication of the referenced instances for `itkimage2paramap`


Updated to latest DCMQI binaries.


**Full changelog**: https://github.com/ImagingDataCommons/dcmqi-python-distributions/commits/v0.1.1


**Full changelog**: https://github.com/ImagingDataCommons/dcmqi-python-distributions/commits/v0.1.0

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