
Latest version: v1.20.0

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Bug Fixes

- Fix message length for remote config requests.


New Features

- Adds middleware to forward all received requests to the Agent URL, if set. Requests are only forwarded for the <span class="title-ref">/traces</span>, <span class="title-ref">/stats</span>, and <span class="title-ref">/telemetry</span> paths.
- This change adds a new feature that allows desired attributes to be removed from spans in snapshots. By default, no attributes will be removed. The attributes to be removed can be set through the optional environment variable <span class="title-ref">SNAPSHOT_REMOVED_ATTRS</span>, or with the optional query parameter <span class="title-ref">?removes</span>.
- Adds a feature to disable Test-Agent Failure \<Response 400\> using the `DISABLE_ERROR_RESPONSES` env variable or `--disable-error-responses` command line option. Adds a feature to pool Test-Agent Trace Check Failures in-memory using the `DD_POOL_TRACE_CHECK_FAILURES` env variable or `--pool-trace-check-failures` option. These failures can then be queried by the `/test/trace_check/failures` GET endpoint, which returns a \<Response 200\> if no failures occurred or \<Response 400\> with the Check Trace Failure messages in the response body if they exist.
- Add new pipeline stats endpoint for data streams monitoring.


New Features

- This change adds support for an optional trace JSON decoder that will attempt to parse a trace, even if the trace is partially misconformed, such as one having port numbers within the meta field, which would previously throw an error. Additionally, the change also adds a default parser of json.loads, which was originally used. The new parser can be used by specifying the <span class="title-ref">DD_SUPPRESS_TRACE_PARSE_ERRORS</span> env variable or by setting the flag <span class="title-ref">--suppress-trace-parse-errors</span>.
- Add session token to Remote Config endpoint.
- This change adds support for disabling / enabling proxying for a trace by sending the X-Datadog-Agent-Proxy-Disabled with a boolean value within a trace's headers. By default, proxying is enabled if the Test-Agent has an agent_url set.
- Improves APM Test-Agent debugging by improving Assertion error messages when verifying decoded traces. Also adds debug logging for the received request and request headers.
- This change improves APM Test Agent proxying in a few ways. Proxying is now done first when a trace is received, instead of waiting for Test Agent checks to complete. This means that a failing check will no longer prevent the trace(s) being proxied to the final destination. Additionally, proxying now has better handling of response types including byte, json and text/html responses.


New Features

- Add Remote Config endpoint (`/v0.7/config`) and endpoints to create/update Remote Config payloads (\`<span class="title-ref">/test/session/responses/config</span>)
- Use Python 3.11 in the Docker image.

Bug Fixes

- Fix case sensitive headers for trace checks.


Bug Fixes

- Fix race condition when the test agent would simultaneously handle requests which would read and write data.


Bug Fixes

- Add <span class="title-ref">metrics.process_id</span> tag to ignored tags.

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