Features / Improvements
- :sparkles: a simple cache implementation backed by ddb
Bug Fixes
- allow schema arguments to be empty
- only create table if not exists
- add a Readme
- pypi is aparrantly required
- pdm is not discoverable by semver
- reset version
- add custom build command
- unset gpgsign from import action too
- unset gpgsign, default user for semver action is different
- set semver branch name
- add code cov and semantic release version
- add environment to job
- updated pycln commands and config
- no-self
- use default shell everywhere
- remove .pdm.toml and use setup-pdm
- explicit 3.9.x
- use default shell
- pdm install -v -dG:all
- echo info
- enable pep582
- install
- fix pdm config command
- add marker to everything
- add marker to both dependencies
- adding an environment marker to boto3
- install first
- move commitizen to pip
- recreate lock file
- try to resolve pkg versions
- :construction_worker: add semver releases
- :construction_worker: format, lint, test